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Yukio MOTOKI,  Centre

Yukio MOTOKI is an international japanese rugby player at the centre position.He was born on 27/08/1971. He measures 1 m 77 for 88 kg.

International career My calendars My standings

Practical information  For the full stats of a player, click the corresponding number !
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
04/05  Japan  International Tests 12-----316
Migration de données en cours
2003  Japan  World Cup -------0
11/10/2003ECOJAP32 - 1112------80
22/10/2003FIDJAP41 - 1312------80
26/10/2003JAPUSA26 - 3912------80
3 Games played000000240
00/01  Japan  International Tests -------160
Migration de données en cours
99/00  Japan  International Tests -------160
Migration de données en cours
1999  Japan  World Cup -------0
02/10/1999SAMJAP43 - 912------80
08/10/1999PDGJAP64 - 1512------80
15/10/1999ARGJAP33 - 1212------80
3 Games played000000240
97/98  Japan  International Tests -------160
Migration de données en cours
1995  Japan  World Cup -------0
26/05/1995PDGJAP57 - 1012------80
30/05/1995IRLJAP50 - 2812------80
03/06/1995NZJAP145 - 1712------80
3 Games played000000240
94/95  Japan  International Tests 5-----240
Migration de données en cours
93/94  Japan  International Tests -------160
Migration de données en cours
Competitions Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
International Tests 17161514----1196
World Cup-99-------
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Important info  You can contact us to correct data or complete it via our Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter or our contact address at the top of the page

My calendars

CompetitionsDateTeam 1Team 2ScorePlayed
International Tests 12/11/2004ScotlandJapan100 - 812 (80 minutes)
International Tests 20/11/2004RomaniaJapan25 - 1019 (15 minutes)
International Tests 25/11/2004WalesJapan98 - 012 (80 minutes)
International Tests 11/06/2005JapanIreland12 - 4412 (72 minutes)
International Tests 18/06/2005JapanIreland18 - 4712 (69 minutes)

My standings

International Tests
1France 0000000
2South Africa 0000000
3Japan 0000000
4Ireland 0000000
5Argentina 0000000
6Italy 0000000
7New-Zealand 0000000
8Australia 0000000
9Canada 0000000
10Wales 0000000
11Uruguay 0000000
12Samoa 0000000
13Fidji 0000000
14Romania 0000000
15Scotland 0000000
16USA 0000000
17British And Irish Lions 0000000
18Wellington 0000000
19Taranaki 0000000
20Bay of Plenty 0000000
21Otago 0000000
22Southland 0000000
23Auckland 0000000
24Maoris 0000000
25Tonga 0000000
26Manawatu 0000000
27England 0000000
28Maoris 0000000

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