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Jared PAGE,  Full back

Jared PAGE is a new-zealand rugby player at the full back position.He was born on 22/07/1993. He measures 1 m 82 for 94 kg.

Team career  My calendars My standings

Practical information  For the full stats of a player, click the corresponding number !
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
2022  Counties Manukau  NPC 10-----505
Migration de données en cours
2021  Counties Manukau  NPC -------160
Migration de données en cours
2020  North Harbour  MITRE 10 CUP 30-----454
Migration de données en cours
2019  North Harbour  MITRE 10 CUP 13----181
Migration de données en cours
2015  Counties Manukau  NPC 18----331
Migration de données en cours
Teams Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Counties Manukau2814134--4--996
North Harbour4310861-5--635
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Important info  You can contact us to correct data or complete it via our Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter or our contact address at the top of the page

My calendars

CompetitionsDateTeam 1Team 2ScorePlayed
NPC06/08/2022Counties ManukauOtago23 - 2215 (73 minutes)
NPC12/08/2022Hawkes BayCounties Manukau33 - 3214 (65 minutes)
NPC19/08/2022Counties ManukauWaikato20 - 3414 (80 minutes)
NPC28/08/2022Bay of PlentyCounties Manukau13 - 1815 (80 minutes)
NPC04/09/2022North HarbourCounties Manukau37 - 1215 (80 minutes)
NPC10/09/2022Counties ManukauManawatu41 - 3315 (80 minutes)
NPC17/09/2022Counties ManukauCanterbury39 - 4415 (47 minutes)
NPC21/09/2022TaranakiCounties Manukau25 - 14-
NPC25/09/2022SouthlandCounties Manukau30 - 26-
NPC02/10/2022Counties ManukauWellington31 - 64-

My standings

NPC - Groupe 1
1Wellington 103780229924050
2Waikato 103571230120841
3Bay of Plenty 103460432523264
4Hawkes Bay 103051429423444
5Otago 102750526226934
6Counties Manukau 102030725633553
7Southland 10910922943023

   Qualification 1/4 , 

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