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Kurt EKLUND,  Hooker

Kurt EKLUND is an international new-zealand rugby player. He plays at Blues at the hooker position.He is 33 years old and was born on 05/01/1992. He measures 1 m 80 for 103 kg.

Career  Prize list My calendars My standings

Practical information  For the full stats of a player, click the corresponding number !
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
24/25  Auckland BluesSuper Rugby -------80
15/03/2025Waikato ChiefsAuckland Blues32 - 312------80
1 Games played00000080
  Bay of PlentyNPC 15-----757
10/08/2024WaikatoBay of Plenty21 - 362------67
14/08/2024Bay of PlentyCounties Manukau44 - 312------43
18/08/2024Bay of PlentyNorth Harbour24 - 202------67
25/08/2024OtagoBay of Plenty31 - 262------80
06/09/2024Bay of PlentyManawatu68 - 142------40
14/09/2024Bay of PlentyTaranaki33 - 2021-----67
21/09/2024WellingtonBay of Plenty30 - 2521-----66
28/09/2024Bay of PlentyNorthland53 - 1321-----51
06/10/2024AucklandBay of Plenty24 - 262------69
12/10/2024Bay of PlentyHawkes Bay19 - 172------66
19/10/2024Bay of PlentyCanterbury32 - 202------66
26/10/2024WellingtonBay of Plenty23 - 202------75
12 Games played300000757
23/24  Auckland BluesSuper Rugby 30-----418
24/02/2024Auckland BluesFidjian Drua34 - 102------48
09/03/2024Wellington HurricanesAuckland Blues29 - 2121-----48
16/03/2024NSW WaratahsAuckland Blues10 - 122------60
20/04/2024Auckland BluesACT Brumbies46 - 7181-----26
27/04/2024Queensland RedsAuckland Blues34 - 41161-----29
03/05/2024Melbourne RebelsAuckland Blues11 - 3817------17
11/05/2024Auckland BluesWellington Hurricanes31 - 2717------14
18/05/2024Auckland BluesOtago Highlanders47 - 1322-----65
25/05/2024Canterbury CrusadersAuckland Blues29 - 272------53
01/06/2024Auckland BluesWaikato Chiefs31 - 1721------9
08/06/2024Auckland BluesFidjian Drua36 - 5201-----19
14/06/2024Auckland BluesACT Brumbies34 - 2017------19
22/06/2024Waikato ChiefsAuckland Blues10 - 4121------11
13 Games played600000418
  Bay of PlentyNPC 20-----629
Migration de données en cours
22/23  Auckland BluesSuper Rugby 5-----422
25/02/2023Otago HighlandersAuckland Blues20 - 602------46
05/03/2023Auckland BluesACT Brumbies20 - 2517------26
11/03/2023Wellington HurricanesAuckland Blues19 - 2517------28
18/03/2023Auckland BluesCanterbury Crusaders28 - 3418------23
26/03/2023Auckland BluesWestern Force30 - 172------50
01/04/2023Waikato ChiefsAuckland Blues20 - 1317------17
06/05/2023Auckland BluesMoana Pasifika31 - 3021-----80
13/05/2023Canterbury CrusadersAuckland Blues15 - 318------28
19/05/2023Queensland RedsAuckland Blues26 - 4517------27
27/05/2023Auckland BluesWellington Hurricanes36 - 2517------20
02/06/2023Auckland BluesOtago Highlanders16 - 917------17
09/06/2023Auckland BluesNSW Waratahs41 - 1217------21
16/06/2023Canterbury CrusadersAuckland Blues52 - 1517------39
13 Games played100000422
  Bay of PlentyNPC 20-----616
Migration de données en cours
21/22  MaorisInternational Tests -------131
Migration de données en cours
  Auckland BluesSuper Rugby 30----919
26/02/2022Auckland BluesWellington Hurricanes32 - 3322-----53
05/03/2022Auckland BluesWaikato Chiefs24 - 222------61
11/03/2022Auckland BluesOtago Highlanders32 - 202------79
26/03/2022Otago HighlandersAuckland Blues25 - 322------64
02/04/2022Auckland BluesMoana Pasifika46 - 1623-----66
09/04/2022Waikato ChiefsAuckland Blues0 - 252------62
15/04/2022Canterbury CrusadersAuckland Blues23 - 2721-----72
29/04/2022Western ForceAuckland Blues18 - 222------57
06/05/2022Auckland BluesMelbourne Rebels71 - 282------57
14/05/2022Auckland BluesQueensland Reds53 - 262------64
21/05/2022ACT BrumbiesAuckland Blues19 - 212------80
04/06/2022Auckland BluesOtago Highlanders35 - 62------70
11/06/2022Auckland BluesACT Brumbies20 - 192----1-80
18/06/2022Auckland BluesCanterbury Crusaders7 - 212------54
14 Games played600010919
  Bay of PlentyNPC -------56
Migration de données en cours
20/21  MaorisInternational Tests --------49
Migration de données en cours
  Auckland BluesSuper Rugby 10-----404
15/05/2021Melbourne RebelsAuckland Blues3 - 502------63
22/05/2021Auckland BluesNSW Waratahs48 - 2121-----69
29/05/2021Auckland BluesACT Brumbies38 - 1021-----67
04/06/2021Queensland RedsAuckland Blues24 - 312------61
12/06/2021Auckland BluesWestern Force31 - 212------65
19/06/2021Auckland BluesOtago Highlanders23 - 152------79
6 Games played200000404
  Auckland BluesSuper Rugby AOTEAROA 20-----255
Migration de données en cours
  Bay of PlentyMITRE 10 CUP 5----440
Migration de données en cours
19/20  Auckland BluesSuper Rugby AOTEAROA 5-----278
Migration de données en cours
  Auckland BluesSuper Rugby -------237
31/01/2020Auckland BluesWaikato Chiefs29 - 372------52
08/02/2020NSW WaratahsAuckland Blues12 - 322------41
14/02/2020Auckland BluesCanterbury Crusaders8 - 2521------15
22/02/2020BullsAuckland Blues21 - 2322------11
29/02/2020StormersAuckland Blues14 - 332------69
07/03/2020Wellington HurricanesAuckland Blues15 - 242------49
6 Games played000000237
  Bay of PlentyMITRE 10 CUP 5-----387
Migration de données en cours
17/18  AucklandITM Cup 5-----335
Migration de données en cours
16/17  AucklandNPC 10-----504
Migration de données en cours
15/16  AucklandNPC 5-----431
Migration de données en cours
Competitions Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Super Rugby75533315---1-2480
International Tests -42------180
Super Rugby AOTEAROA251265-----533
Teams Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Auckland Blues100653920---1-3013
Bay of Plenty65544113---1-2885
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Important info  You can contact us to correct data or complete it via our Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter or our contact address at the top of the page

Prize list


Southern Hempispher Championship - Super Rugby

2022BluesRunners up

Southern Hempispher Championship - NPC

2025Bay of PlentyRunners up

My calendars

CompetitionsDateTeam 1Team 2ScorePlayed
Super Rugby15/02/2025Auckland BluesWaikato Chiefs14 - 25-
Super Rugby22/02/2025Otago HighlandersAuckland Blues29 - 21-
Super Rugby01/03/2025Wellington HurricanesAuckland Blues29 - 33-
Super Rugby07/03/2025Auckland BluesACT Brumbies20 - 21-
Super Rugby15/03/2025Waikato ChiefsAuckland Blues32 - 312 (80 minutes)
Super Rugby22/03/2025Auckland BluesCanterbury Crusaders19 - 42-
Super Rugby05/04/2025Auckland BluesWellington Hurricanes-
Super Rugby12/04/2025Auckland BluesMoana Pasifika-
Super Rugby18/04/2025Canterbury CrusadersAuckland Blues-
Super Rugby25/04/2025Queensland RedsAuckland Blues-
Super Rugby02/05/2025Auckland BluesWestern Force-
Super Rugby09/05/2025Fidjian DruaAuckland Blues-
Super Rugby17/05/2025Moana PasifikaAuckland Blues-
Super Rugby31/05/2025Auckland BluesNSW Waratahs-

My standings

Super Rugby
1Waikato Chiefs 62250122916611
2Canterbury Crusaders 51940119714530
3Queensland Reds 51940116714130
4Wellington Hurricanes 71840322917011
5NSW Waratahs 61740215518510
6ACT Brumbies 61530319419512
7Western Force 61430320921811
8Otago Highlanders 51120313713603
9Fidjian Drua 6710515421703
10Auckland Blues 7710613820712
11Moana Pasifika 5610418421302

   Qualification phase finale , 

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