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Lucas Martin PAULOS ADLER,  Lock

Lucas Martin PAULOS ADLER is an international argentine rugby player. He plays at Bayonne at the lock position.He is 27 years old and was born on 09/01/1998. He measures 1 m 99 for 123 kg.

Career  Prize list My calendars My standings

Practical information  For the full stats of a player, click the corresponding number !
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
25/26  BayonneTop 14 ---------0
Migration de données en cours
24/25  BayonneEuropean Rugby Challenge Cup -------72
11/01/2025Black LionBayonne16 - 4118------13
19/01/2025BayonneGloucester55 - 175------59
2 Games played00000072
  BayonneTop 14 5----768
07/09/2024BayonneUSAP21 - 195------10
05/10/2024Union Bordeaux BèglesBayonne30 - 275------51
12/10/2024BayonneLa Rochelle37 - 75----1-55
19/10/2024BayonneRacing 9232 - 155------50
03/11/2024BayonneStade Toulousain12 - 819------30
23/11/2024ToulonBayonne39 - 195------80
01/12/2024BayonneStade Français21 - 135------53
21/12/2024VannesBayonne21 - 275------68
28/12/2024BayonneCastres33 - 125------60
04/01/2025MontpellierBayonne42 - 105------52
25/01/2025USAPBayonne16 - 115------45
15/02/2025BayonneUnion Bordeaux Bègles36 - 325------80
22/02/2025Stade ToulousainBayonne41 - 619------28
02/03/2025BayonneClermont31 - 1851-----80
22/03/2025Stade FrançaisBayonne31 - 2720------26
15 Games played100010768
23/24  ArgentinaInternational Tests -------125
Migration de données en cours
  BayonneEuropean Rugby Champions Cup --------15
12/01/2024NorthamptonBayonne61 - 1419------15
1 Games played00000015
  ArgentinaRugby Championship -------77
Migration de données en cours
  BayonneTop 14 15-----1090
26/08/2023ToulonBayonne19 - 1451-----68
02/09/2023CastresBayonne37 - 05------80
11/11/2023La RochelleBayonne18 - 155------65
18/11/2023BayonnePau35 - 1651-----80
25/11/2023LOUBayonne42 - 295------46
02/12/2023BayonneMontpellier34 - 195------47
22/12/2023USAPBayonne36 - 1051-----80
30/12/2023BayonneRacing 9227 - 235------51
06/01/2024Union Bordeaux BèglesBayonne24 - 2318------33
27/01/2024BayonneOyonnax21 - 175------80
03/02/2024Stade ToulousainBayonne46 - 2618------29
23/03/2024BayonneLa Rochelle13 - 1217------34
31/03/2024BayonneToulon10 - 465------80
20/04/2024Stade FrançaisBayonne28 - 245------51
27/04/2024BayonneUnion Bordeaux Bègles15 - 345------54
11/05/2024Racing 92Bayonne28 - 3720------27
18/05/2024BayonneUSAP23 - 205------58
01/06/2024OyonnaxBayonne27 - 205------80
08/06/2024BayonneCastres17 - 285------47
19 Games played3000001090
22/23  BriveEuropean Rugby Challenge Cup -------160
21/01/2023BriveCardiff Blues37 - 245------80
31/03/2023ScarletsBrive19 - 75------80
2 Games played000000160
  ArgentinaAutomn Nations Series --------50
Migration de données en cours
  ArgentinaRugby Championship ---------0
Migration de données en cours
  BriveTop 14 10-----1038
03/09/2022BriveLOU27 - 314------80
10/09/2022USAPBrive6 - 175------5
01/10/2022BriveBayonne25 - 225------80
08/10/2022ToulonBrive47 - 07------80
15/10/2022BriveStade Toulousain7 - 455------80
22/10/2022Stade FrançaisBrive27 - 05------3
29/10/2022BriveRacing 9238 - 435------68
26/11/2022PauBrive22 - 65------24
23/12/2022BriveClermont20 - 1619------32
31/12/2022LOUBrive27 - 305------80
07/01/2023BriveToulon26 - 175------71
04/02/2023BriveUSAP22 - 245------80
18/02/2023Racing 92Brive34 - 2451-----59
04/03/2023BriveUnion Bordeaux Bègles7 - 284------80
25/03/2023ClermontBrive38 - 1018------39
15/04/2023BriveStade Français22 - 2741-----48
22/04/2023BrivePau22 - 175------51
06/05/2023MontpellierBrive26 - 275------59
13/05/2023BriveCastres13 - 165------19
19 Games played2000001038
21/22  ArgentinaInternational Tests --------71
Migration de données en cours
  BriveTop 14 ------790
09/10/2021ToulonBrive13 - 94------80
16/10/2021BriveLa Rochelle6 - 817------39
23/10/2021BiarritzBrive37 - 94------67
30/10/2021CastresBrive23 - 224------80
04/12/2021LOUBrive41 - 021------27
02/01/2022PauBrive43 - 205------80
08/01/2022BriveUnion Bordeaux Bègles19 - 225------80
29/01/2022BriveBiarritz33 - 105-----140
26/02/2022BriveToulon17 - 105------57
26/03/2022BriveCastres28 - 125------80
21/05/2022BriveStade Toulousain8 - 265------80
05/06/2022Stade FrançaisBrive17 - 335------80
12 Games played000001790
20/21  BriveTop 14 10-----473
03/01/2021Stade FrançaisBrive51 - 215------80
24/01/2021PauBrive27 - 3216------40
30/01/2021BriveToulon25 - 2317------32
14/02/2021BayonneBrive26 - 2341-----80
20/02/2021BriveUnion Bordeaux Bègles25 - 234------45
27/03/2021BriveAgen57 - 34------64
08/05/2021BriveStade Français28 - 314------8
11/05/2021BriveLa Rochelle24 - 124------66
29/05/2021BriveCastres28 - 3341-----58
9 Games played200000473
  ArgentinaRugby Championship ------80
Migration de données en cours
19/20  JaguaresSuper Rugby -------288
01/02/2020JaguaresLions38 - 85------80
08/02/2020JaguaresWellington Hurricanes23 - 265------45
15/02/2020JaguaresQueensland Reds43 - 275------53
22/02/2020StormersJaguares17 - 75------80
29/02/2020BullsJaguares24 - 3920------13
07/03/2020SharksJaguares33 - 1920------17
6 Games played000000288
18/19  JaguaresSuper Rugby -------168
11/05/2019HighlandersJaguares32 - 275------61
17/05/2019HurricanesJaguares20 - 2819------4
01/06/2019Queensland RedsJaguares23 - 344------47
08/06/2019JaguaresSharks34 - 719------20
14/06/2019JaguaresSunwolves52 - 105------36
5 Games played000000168
  ArgentinaAmericas Pacific Challenge Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
17/18  ArgentinaWorld Cup U20 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
16/17  ArgentinaWorld Cup U20 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
Competitions Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Top 14Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
European Rugby Challenge CupRequires subscription with an It's rugby pass
International Tests Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
European Rugby Champions CupRequires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Rugby ChampionshipRequires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Automn Nations SeriesRequires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Super RugbyRequires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Americas Pacific ChallengeRequires subscription with an It's rugby pass
World Cup U20Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Important info  You can contact us to correct data or complete it via our Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter or our contact address at the top of the page

Prize list


Southern Hempispher Championship - Super Rugby

2019JaguaresRunners up

My calendars

CompetitionsDateTeam 1Team 2ScorePlayed

My standings

Top 14
1Stade Toulousain 000000000
2Racing 92 000000000
3Union Bordeaux Bègles 000000000
4Pau 000000000
5LOU 000000000
6La Rochelle 000000000
7Bayonne 000000000
8Montpellier 000000000
9USAP 000000000
10Castres 000000000
11Clermont 000000000
12Stade Français 000000000
13Toulon 000000000
14Vannes 000000000

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