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Christ TSHIUNZA,  Third Row

Christ TSHIUNZA is an international welsh rugby player. He plays at Exeter at the third row position.He is 23 years old and was born on 09/01/2002. He measures 1 m 98 for 113 kg.

Team career  International career My calendars My standings

Practical information  For the full stats of a player, click the corresponding number !
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
24/25  Exeter  Premiership Rugby Cup 5-----215
15/02/2025ExeterGloucester14 - 2220------8
01/03/2025ExeterSale50 - 145------80
08/03/2025ExeterEaling Trailfinders28 - 245------47
16/03/2025ExeterBath14 - 4851-----80
4 Games played100000215
  Exeter  European Rugby Champions Cup -------124
07/12/2024SharksExeter39 - 2119------21
11/01/2025ExeterUnion Bordeaux Bègles17 - 6919------32
17/01/2025UlsterExeter52 - 245------71
3 Games played000000124
  Exeter  Guinness Premiership -------184
21/09/2024ExeterLeicester14 - 1719------34
28/09/2024NorthamptonExeter30 - 245------80
06/10/2024SaracensExeter29 - 145------54
18/10/2024NewcastleExeter24 - 1819------16
4 Games played000000184
23/24  Exeter  European Rugby Champions Cup -------160
06/04/2024ExeterBath21 - 157------80
14/04/2024Stade ToulousainExeter64 - 267------80
2 Games played000000160
  Exeter  Guinness Premiership -------217
28/10/2023ExeterSale43 - 020------22
31/03/2024SaleExeter41 - 55------80
20/04/2024ExeterBath14 - 2620------31
28/04/2024GloucesterExeter17 - 3819------20
11/05/2024ExeterHarlequins58 - 2619------31
18/05/2024LeicesterExeter40 - 2219------33
6 Games played000000217
22/23  Exeter  Premiership Rugby Cup -------80
Migration de données en cours
  Exeter  European Rugby Champions Cup 5-----499
10/12/2022CastresExeter12 - 277------63
17/12/2022ExeterBulls44 - 147------80
14/01/2023BullsExeter39 - 287------80
21/01/2023ExeterCastres40 - 371-----80
02/04/2023ExeterMontpellier33 - 337------63
08/04/2023ExeterStormers42 - 177------53
30/04/2023La RochelleExeter47 - 287------80
7 Games played100000499
  Exeter  Guinness Premiership 10-----997
10/09/2022ExeterLeicester24 - 207------55
18/09/2022WorcesterExeter0 - 07------80
25/09/2022ExeterHarlequins43 - 4272-----80
07/10/2022BristolExeter14 - 507------80
22/10/2022ExeterSaracens20 - 227------80
28/10/2022GloucesterExeter38 - 2220------2
25/11/2022NewcastleExeter24 - 217------80
24/12/2022ExeterBath20 - 157------80
31/12/2022SaracensExeter35 - 37------62
07/01/2023ExeterNorthampton35 - 127------80
04/03/2023HarlequinsExeter40 - 57------52
26/03/2023BathExeter36 - 197------80
16/04/2023LeicesterExeter62 - 197------80
22/04/2023ExeterBristol22 - 2121------26
06/05/2023London IrishExeter17 - 147------80
15 Games played200000997
21/22  Exeter  European Rugby Champions Cup --------10
23/01/2022MontpellierExeter37 - 2620------10
1 Games played00000010
  Exeter  Guinness Premiership --------123
18/09/2021LeicesterExeter34 - 1920------19
25/09/2021ExeterNorthampton24 - 2618------24
03/10/2021SaleExeter15 - 2523------7
09/10/2021ExeterWorcester42 - 522------10
06/11/2021ExeterNewcastle14 - 1518------63
5 Games played000000123
Competitions Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Premiership Rugby Cup5541-----295
European Rugby Champions Cup513101-----793
Guinness Premiership1030162-----1521
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Important info  You can contact us to correct data or complete it via our Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter or our contact address at the top of the page

Cup - Premiership Rugby Cup

2025ExeterRunners up

My calendars

CompetitionsDateTeam 1Team 2ScorePlayed
Guinness Premiership21/09/2024ExeterLeicester14 - 1719 (34 minutes)
Guinness Premiership28/09/2024NorthamptonExeter30 - 245 (80 minutes)
Guinness Premiership06/10/2024SaracensExeter29 - 145 (54 minutes)
Guinness Premiership12/10/2024ExeterBristol35 - 40-
Guinness Premiership18/10/2024NewcastleExeter24 - 1819 (16 minutes)
Guinness Premiership27/10/2024ExeterHarlequins19 - 36-
Premiership Rugby Cup01/11/2024Cornish PiratesExeter7 - 68-
Premiership Rugby Cup09/11/2024ExeterHartpury College54 - 3-
Premiership Rugby Cup22/11/2024GloucesterExeter7 - 31-
Guinness Premiership30/11/2024BathExeter19 - 15-
European Rugby Champions Cup07/12/2024SharksExeter39 - 2119 (21 minutes)
European Rugby Champions Cup15/12/2024ExeterStade Toulousain21 - 64-
Guinness Premiership21/12/2024SaleExeter28 - 10-
Guinness Premiership29/12/2024ExeterGloucester22 - 15-
Guinness Premiership04/01/2025LeicesterExeter28 - 15-
European Rugby Champions Cup11/01/2025ExeterUnion Bordeaux Bègles17 - 6919 (32 minutes)
European Rugby Champions Cup17/01/2025UlsterExeter52 - 245 (71 minutes)
Guinness Premiership25/01/2025ExeterSaracens31 - 22-
Premiership Rugby Cup01/02/2025Hartpury CollegeExeter14 - 36-
Premiership Rugby Cup09/02/2025ExeterCornish Pirates43 - 7-
Premiership Rugby Cup15/02/2025ExeterGloucester14 - 2220 (8 minutes)
Premiership Rugby Cup01/03/2025ExeterSale50 - 145 (80 minutes)
Premiership Rugby Cup08/03/2025ExeterEaling Trailfinders28 - 245 (47 minutes)
Premiership Rugby Cup16/03/2025ExeterBath14 - 485 (80 minutes)
Guinness Premiership22/03/2025BristolExeter-
Guinness Premiership29/03/2025ExeterNewcastle-
Guinness Premiership19/04/2025ExeterBath-
Guinness Premiership27/04/2025GloucesterExeter-
Guinness Premiership11/05/2025ExeterNorthampton-
Guinness Premiership18/05/2025HarlequinsExeter-
Guinness Premiership31/05/2025ExeterSale-

My standings

Guinness Premiership
1Bath 114690239823391
2Bristol 1140704388324102
3Gloucester 113560531828883
4Leicester 113561430128772
5Saracens 113460530331673
6Harlequins 113251526324373
7Sale 112960529028350
8Northampton 112650631328351
9Exeter 111520921728825
10Newcastle 11920914939510

   Qualification 1/2 à domicile ,    Qualification 1/2 à l'exterieur ,    Qualification Champions Cup , 

European Rugby Champions Cup - Groupe 1
1Union Bordeaux Bègles 4204002177640
2Stade Toulousain 4194002256230
3Leicester 41120213414930
4Ulster 4510310216310
5Sharks 451037616310
6Exeter 410048322410

   Qualification en 1/8 ,    Qualification en 1/8 Challenge Cup , 

Premiership Rugby Cup - Groupe 5
1Exeter 6255012466050
2Gloucester 62141112912530
3Hartpury College 691149819721
4Cornish Pirates 6810513022131

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