
French  Español

Cameron WOKI,  Lock

Cameron WOKI is an international french rugby player. He plays at Racing 92 at the lock position.He is 27 years old and was born on 07/11/1998. He measures 1 m 96 for 103 kg.

Career  Prize list My calendars My standings

Practical information  For the full stats of a player, click the corresponding number !
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
24/25  Racing 92European Rugby Champions Cup -------184
07/12/2024Racing 92Harlequins23 - 126------80
13/12/2024SaleRacing 9229 - 76------80
18/01/2025Racing 92Stormers31 - 2220------24
3 Games played000000184
  Racing 92Top 14 25---1291
07/09/2024CastresRacing 9231 - 287------80
14/09/2024Racing 92Clermont33 - 206------80
21/09/2024Union Bordeaux BèglesRacing 9252 - 34161-----48
28/09/2024Racing 92La Rochelle16 - 176----1-80
05/10/2024VannesRacing 9224 - 276------80
12/10/2024Racing 92Toulon22 - 66------80
19/10/2024BayonneRacing 9232 - 156------80
26/10/2024Racing 92USAP30 - 2319------30
02/11/2024PauRacing 9223 - 3320----1132
24/11/2024Stade FrançaisRacing 9240 - 24161-----68
30/11/2024Racing 92Stade Toulousain17 - 216------80
21/12/2024MontpellierRacing 9221 - 176------80
29/12/2024Racing 92LOU25 - 2561---1-80
04/01/2025ToulonRacing 9236 - 246------41
25/01/2025Racing 92Castres20 - 274------80
15/02/2025Racing 92Vannes25 - 3081-----80
22/02/2025La RochelleRacing 9221 - 2681-----80
22/03/2025ClermontRacing 9221 - 2317------32
30/03/2025Racing 92Union Bordeaux Bègles0 - 08------80
19 Games played5000311291
23/24  France6 nations tournament -------114
02/02/2024FRIRL17 - 3820------16
10/02/2024ECOFR16 - 204------49
25/02/2024FRIT13 - 134------49
3 Games played000000114
  Racing 92European Rugby Champions Cup -------331
10/12/2023Racing 92Harlequins28 - 314------80
16/12/2023UlsterRacing 9231 - 156------56
14/01/2024BathRacing 9229 - 254------61
20/01/2024Racing 92Cardiff Blues48 - 264------54
07/04/2024Stade ToulousainRacing 9231 - 76------80
5 Games played000000331
  FranceWorld Cup -------308
08/09/2023FRNZ27 - 134------49
14/09/2023FRURU27 - 124------58
21/09/2023FRNAM96 - 04------41
06/10/2023FRIT60 - 74------80
15/10/2023FRSA28 - 294------80
5 Games played000000308
  FranceWorld Cup warm-up match 5-----193
Migration de données en cours
  Racing 92Top 14 ------1241
04/11/2023Racing 92LOU22 - 2019------29
12/11/2023ToulonRacing 9231 - 266------80
18/11/2023Stade FrançaisRacing 929 - 134------80
26/11/2023Racing 92La Rochelle32 - 104------57
02/12/2023ClermontRacing 9223 - 184------80
30/12/2023BayonneRacing 9227 - 236------80
06/01/2024Racing 92Castres34 - 304------80
10/03/2024Racing 92Toulon20 - 619------35
23/03/2024CastresRacing 9221 - 234------80
30/03/2024Racing 92Clermont26 - 106------80
20/04/2024OyonnaxRacing 9213 - 436------80
27/04/2024Stade ToulousainRacing 9232 - 126------80
11/05/2024Racing 92Bayonne28 - 376------80
18/05/2024LOURacing 9220 - 144------80
01/06/2024Racing 92Pau24 - 154----1-80
08/06/2024La RochelleRacing 9224 - 194------80
16/06/2024Union Bordeaux BèglesRacing 9231 - 174----1-80
17 Games played0000201241
22/23  Racing 92European Rugby Challenge Cup -------80
01/04/2023LionsRacing 9251 - 288------80
1 Games played00000080
  Racing 92European Rugby Champions Cup -------233
10/12/2022Racing 92Leinster10 - 424------73
18/12/2022HarlequinsRacing 9214 - 107------80
15/01/2023Racing 92Harlequins30 - 294------80
3 Games played000000233
  FranceAutomn Nations Series -------202
Migration de données en cours
  Racing 92Top 14 ------1175
03/09/2022Racing 92Castres25 - 197------80
10/09/2022BayonneRacing 9231 - 257------80
17/09/2022Racing 92LOU32 - 198------80
24/09/2022Stade ToulousainRacing 9237 - 104------80
01/10/2022La RochelleRacing 9224 - 194------80
15/10/2022Union Bordeaux BèglesRacing 9229 - 174------80
22/10/2022Racing 92Montpellier38 - 3119------30
27/11/2022Racing 92Clermont46 - 124------64
24/12/2022Racing 92Stade Français10 - 4820----2-35
31/12/2022CastresRacing 9226 - 2616------48
08/01/2023MontpellierRacing 9217 - 124------80
26/03/2023Stade FrançaisRacing 9213 - 1720------27
15/04/2023Racing 92Union Bordeaux Bègles31 - 288------80
22/04/2023USAPRacing 9230 - 2116------56
06/05/2023Racing 92Bayonne55 - 1418------28
13/05/2023Racing 92Toulon43 - 721------20
28/05/2023ClermontRacing 9232 - 257------80
03/06/2023Stade FrançaisRacing 9220 - 338------80
09/06/2023Stade ToulousainRacing 9241 - 148------67
19 Games played0000201175
21/22  France6 nations tournament -------338
06/02/2022FRIT37 - 104------80
12/02/2022FRIRL30 - 244------53
26/02/2022ECOFR17 - 364------68
11/03/2022PDGFR9 - 134------65
19/03/2022FRENG25 - 134------72
5 Games played000000338
  Union Bordeaux BèglesEuropean Rugby Champions Cup 10-----235
11/12/2021Union Bordeaux BèglesLeicester13 - 166------75
16/01/2022Union Bordeaux BèglesScarlets45 - 1061-----80
09/04/2022Union Bordeaux BèglesLa Rochelle13 - 3161-----80
3 Games played200000235
  FranceInternational Tests -------202
Migration de données en cours
  Union Bordeaux BèglesTop 14 20-----1219
11/09/2021Union Bordeaux BèglesStade Français37 - 106------80
18/09/2021CastresUnion Bordeaux Bègles23 - 2361-----80
25/09/2021Union Bordeaux BèglesBrive29 - 106------80
02/10/2021LOUUnion Bordeaux Bègles15 - 2016------32
09/10/2021Union Bordeaux BèglesMontpellier27 - 236------80
16/10/2021PauUnion Bordeaux Bègles33 - 376------51
28/11/2021Racing 92Union Bordeaux Bègles14 - 376------80
04/12/2021Union Bordeaux BèglesStade Toulousain17 - 76------80
02/01/2022Union Bordeaux BèglesBiarritz30 - 2719------20
08/01/2022BriveUnion Bordeaux Bègles19 - 2261-----80
26/03/2022Stade FrançaisUnion Bordeaux Bègles18 - 3141-----80
02/04/2022Union Bordeaux BèglesLa Rochelle15 - 164------60
24/04/2022MontpellierUnion Bordeaux Bègles22 - 238------80
01/05/2022Union Bordeaux BèglesToulon16 - 298------80
21/05/2022Union Bordeaux BèglesLOU42 - 1018------39
05/06/2022USAPUnion Bordeaux Bègles22 - 158------57
12/06/2022Union Bordeaux BèglesRacing 9236 - 1661-----80
18/06/2022MontpellierUnion Bordeaux Bègles19 - 104------80
18 Games played4000001219
20/21  FranceInternational Tests 5-----186
Migration de données en cours
  Union Bordeaux BèglesEuropean Rugby Champions Cup ------358
11/12/2020NorthamptonUnion Bordeaux Bègles12 - 166----1-80
19/12/2020Union Bordeaux BèglesNewport Gwent Dragons47 - 86------80
04/04/2021Union Bordeaux BèglesBristol36 - 176------65
11/04/2021Union Bordeaux BèglesRacing 9224 - 216------53
01/05/2021Stade ToulousainUnion Bordeaux Bègles21 - 96----1-80
5 Games played000020358
  France6 nations tournament --------8
13/03/2021ENGFR23 - 2019------8
1 Games played0000008
  FranceAutomn Nations Cup -------135
Migration de données en cours
  Union Bordeaux BèglesTop 14 35-----968
12/09/2020Union Bordeaux BèglesBrive25 - 206------80
31/10/2020Union Bordeaux BèglesAgen71 - 520------25
27/12/2020Stade ToulousainUnion Bordeaux Bègles45 - 237------80
02/01/2021Union Bordeaux BèglesToulon31 - 1861-----80
10/01/2021Union Bordeaux BèglesLOU31 - 961-----44
23/01/2021Racing 92Union Bordeaux Bègles32 - 3361-----80
06/03/2021Union Bordeaux BèglesPau29 - 2361-----80
08/05/2021BayonneUnion Bordeaux Bègles22 - 4771-----53
15/05/2021Union Bordeaux BèglesCastres20 - 166------67
21/05/2021AgenUnion Bordeaux Bègles3 - 4972-----59
29/05/2021ToulonUnion Bordeaux Bègles25 - 196------80
05/06/2021Union Bordeaux BèglesStade Toulousain10 - 216------80
12/06/2021Union Bordeaux BèglesClermont25 - 166------80
19/06/2021Stade ToulousainUnion Bordeaux Bègles24 - 216------80
14 Games played700000968
19/20  France6 nations tournament --------42
02/02/2020FRENG24 - 1718------23
09/02/2020FRIT35 - 2219------19
2 Games played00000042
  Union Bordeaux BèglesEuropean Rugby Challenge Cup -------383
16/11/2019Union Bordeaux BèglesWasps40 - 307------80
22/11/2019Edinburgh RugbyUnion Bordeaux Bègles16 - 167------80
14/12/2019Union Bordeaux BèglesAgen33 - 66------80
11/01/2020Union Bordeaux BèglesEdinburgh Rugby32 - 177------56
19/09/2020Union Bordeaux BèglesEdinburgh Rugby23 - 1419------33
25/09/2020BristolUnion Bordeaux Bègles37 - 206------54
6 Games played000000383
  Union Bordeaux BèglesTop 14 10-----510
Migration de données en cours
18/19  Union Bordeaux BèglesEuropean Rugby Challenge Cup 5-----429
13/10/2018ConnachtUnion Bordeaux Bègles22 - 107------80
20/10/2018Union Bordeaux BèglesUSAP25 - 257------57
08/12/2018Union Bordeaux BèglesSale24 - 507------80
15/12/2018SaleUnion Bordeaux Bègles14 - 177------80
11/01/2019USAPUnion Bordeaux Bègles27 - 3471-----80
19/01/2019Union Bordeaux BèglesConnacht27 - 336------52
6 Games played100000429
  Union Bordeaux BèglesTop 14 15----797
Migration de données en cours
17/18  FranceWorld Cup U20 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
  France6 nations tournament Under 20 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
  Union Bordeaux BèglesEuropean Rugby Challenge Cup -------194
13/10/2017Enisey-STM KrasnoyarskUnion Bordeaux Bègles17 - 5719------27
21/10/2017Union Bordeaux BèglesNewcastle20 - 2121------20
09/12/2017NewcastleUnion Bordeaux Bègles52 - 2423------13
15/12/2017Union Bordeaux BèglesEnisey-STM Krasnoyarsk36 - 276------80
20/01/2018Newport Gwent DragonsUnion Bordeaux Bègles33 - 177------54
5 Games played000000194
  Union Bordeaux BèglesTop 14 -------832
Migration de données en cours
16/17  France6 nations tournament Under 20 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
Competitions Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
European Rugby Champions CupRequires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Top 14Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
6 nations tournamentRequires subscription with an It's rugby pass
World CupRequires subscription with an It's rugby pass
International Tests Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
European Rugby Challenge CupRequires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Automn Nations SeriesRequires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Automn Nations CupRequires subscription with an It's rugby pass
World Cup U20Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
6 nations tournament Under 20Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Important info  You can contact us to correct data or complete it via our Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter or our contact address at the top of the page

Prize list


International - 6 nations tournament


World Cup - World Cup U20


International - 6 nations tournament Under 20


My calendars

CompetitionsDateTeam 1Team 2ScorePlayed
Top 1407/09/2024CastresRacing 9231 - 287 (80 minutes)
Top 1414/09/2024Racing 92Clermont33 - 206 (80 minutes)
Top 1421/09/2024Union Bordeaux BèglesRacing 9252 - 3416 (48 minutes)
Top 1428/09/2024Racing 92La Rochelle16 - 176 (80 minutes)
Top 1405/10/2024VannesRacing 9224 - 276 (80 minutes)
Top 1412/10/2024Racing 92Toulon22 - 66 (80 minutes)
Top 1419/10/2024BayonneRacing 9232 - 156 (80 minutes)
Top 1426/10/2024Racing 92USAP30 - 2319 (30 minutes)
Top 1402/11/2024PauRacing 9223 - 3320 (32 minutes)
Top 1424/11/2024Stade FrançaisRacing 9240 - 2416 (68 minutes)
Top 1430/11/2024Racing 92Stade Toulousain17 - 216 (80 minutes)
European Rugby Champions Cup07/12/2024Racing 92Harlequins23 - 126 (80 minutes)
European Rugby Champions Cup13/12/2024SaleRacing 9229 - 76 (80 minutes)
Top 1421/12/2024MontpellierRacing 9221 - 176 (80 minutes)
Top 1429/12/2024Racing 92LOU25 - 256 (80 minutes)
Top 1404/01/2025ToulonRacing 9236 - 246 (41 minutes)
European Rugby Champions Cup10/01/2025Glasgow WarriorsRacing 9229 - 19-
European Rugby Champions Cup18/01/2025Racing 92Stormers31 - 2220 (24 minutes)
Top 1425/01/2025Racing 92Castres20 - 274 (80 minutes)
Top 1415/02/2025Racing 92Vannes25 - 308 (80 minutes)
Top 1422/02/2025La RochelleRacing 9221 - 268 (80 minutes)
Top 1401/03/2025Racing 92Pau29 - 47-
Top 1422/03/2025ClermontRacing 9221 - 2317 (32 minutes)
Top 1430/03/2025Racing 92Union Bordeaux Bègles8 (80 minutes)
Top 1419/04/2025USAPRacing 92-
Top 1426/04/2025Racing 92Stade Français-
Top 1410/05/2025Racing 92Bayonne-
Top 1417/05/2025Stade ToulousainRacing 92-
Top 1431/05/2025Racing 92Montpellier-
Top 1407/06/2025LOURacing 92-

My standings

Top 14
1Stade Toulousain 2070141564933784
2Union Bordeaux Bègles 1964140556540044
3Toulon 2063130755643974
4Bayonne 2053120849450023
5Castres 2048102848251113
6LOU 204492951851022
7Clermont 2044901147348844
8Montpellier 2043901148044225
9Pau 2042901150057433
10La Rochelle 2040811143450333
11Stade Français 2036801246256422
12Racing 92 1935711146851705
13USAP 2032621234348222
14Vannes 2030611350466104

   Qualification direct 1/2 ,    Qualification 1/4 à domicile ,    Qualification 1/4 à l'extérieur ,    Barrage finaliste Pro D2 ,    Relégation Pro D2 , 

European Rugby Champions Cup - Groupe 4
1Toulon 413301949710
2Glasgow Warriors 4122021039231
3Sale 410202819220
4Harlequins 492021107910
5Racing 92 49202809210
6Stormers 451039210810

   Qualification en 1/8 ,    Qualification en 1/8 Challenge Cup , 

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