
French  Español

Pierre-Emmanuel PACHECO,  Prop

Pierre-Emmanuel PACHECO is an international french rugby player. He plays at Colomiers at the prop position.He is 23 years old and was born on 04/11/2002. He measures 1 m 85 for 120 kg.

Career  My calendars My standings

Practical information  For the full stats of a player, click the corresponding number !
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
24/25  ColomiersPro D2 -------182
13/09/2024DaxColomiers25 - 2418------28
20/09/2024ColomiersValence Romans Drome Rugby24 - 1718------28
27/09/2024NiceColomiers19 - 281------51
18/10/2024ColomiersSoyaux-Angouleme13 - 1317------32
24/01/2025BeziersColomiers17 - 2920------20
14/02/2025Soyaux-AngoulemeColomiers41 - 3718------23
6 Games played000000182
23/24  ColomiersEspoirs Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
  ColomiersPro D2 -------560
17/08/2023BiarritzColomiers35 - 1820------27
01/09/2023Valence Romans Drome RugbyColomiers26 - 2218------29
07/09/2023ColomiersAurillac27 - 2218------33
13/09/2023DaxColomiers25 - 81------50
19/10/2023ColomiersSoyaux-Angouleme28 - 1716------47
03/11/2023MontaubanColomiers13 - 3718------28
09/11/2023ColomiersVannes15 - 1019------30
17/11/2023RouenColomiers37 - 241------48
05/01/2024ColomiersNevers28 - 320------19
11/01/2024ColomiersBeziers19 - 2319------28
19/01/2024Soyaux-AngoulemeColomiers20 - 1620------14
26/01/2024ColomiersRouen38 - 1017------30
09/02/2024ColomiersDax30 - 1717------26
16/02/2024AurillacColomiers30 - 1718------25
11/04/2024BriveColomiers35 - 2316------28
19/04/2024NeversColomiers34 - 1518------30
26/04/2024ColomiersMontauban24 - 2018------39
10/05/2024GrenobleColomiers29 - 1017------29
18 Games played000000560
22/23  ColomiersEspoirs No data
Migration de données en cours
21/22  ColomiersEspoirs No data
Migration de données en cours
  FranceU20 6 Nations Summer Series Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
Competitions Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Pro D2Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
EspoirsRequires subscription with an It's rugby pass
U20 6 Nations Summer SeriesRequires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Important info  You can contact us to correct data or complete it via our Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter or our contact address at the top of the page

My calendars

CompetitionsDateTeam 1Team 2ScorePlayed
Pro D230/08/2024Mont de MarsanColomiers16 - 18-
Pro D206/09/2024ColomiersAurillac22 - 19-
Pro D213/09/2024DaxColomiers25 - 2418 (28 minutes)
Pro D220/09/2024ColomiersValence Romans Drome Rugby24 - 1718 (28 minutes)
Pro D227/09/2024NiceColomiers19 - 281 (51 minutes)
Pro D211/10/2024OyonnaxColomiers21 - 17-
Pro D218/10/2024ColomiersSoyaux-Angouleme13 - 1317 (32 minutes)
Pro D225/10/2024AgenColomiers27 - 18-
Pro D231/10/2024ColomiersMontauban33 - 29-
Pro D208/11/2024BriveColomiers49 - 15-
Pro D215/11/2024ColomiersBeziers40 - 44-
Pro D229/11/2024GrenobleColomiers65 - 19-
Pro D205/12/2024ColomiersProvence Rugby31 - 30-
Pro D213/12/2024NeversColomiers23 - 15-
Pro D220/12/2024ColomiersBiarritz29 - 20-
Pro D210/01/2025Valence Romans Drome RugbyColomiers24 - 29-
Pro D217/01/2025ColomiersDax43 - 16-
Pro D224/01/2025BeziersColomiers17 - 2920 (20 minutes)
Pro D207/02/2025ColomiersGrenoble24 - 36-
Pro D214/02/2025Soyaux-AngoulemeColomiers41 - 3718 (23 minutes)
Pro D221/02/2025ColomiersMont de Marsan53 - 20-
Pro D228/02/2025ColomiersBrive20 - 19-
Pro D207/03/2025Provence RugbyColomiers24 - 23-
Pro D228/03/2025ColomiersOyonnax-
Pro D204/04/2025ColomiersNevers-
Pro D211/04/2025AurillacColomiers-
Pro D217/04/2025ColomiersAgen-
Pro D225/04/2025MontaubanColomiers-
Pro D209/05/2025ColomiersNice-
Pro D216/05/2025BiarritzColomiers-

My standings

Pro D2
1Grenoble 2479170778150592
2Brive 2367140957346674
3Provence Rugby 2367141861754154
4Beziers 24641301159853466
5Montauban 2362140961859033
6Soyaux-Angouleme 2361132856356941
7Colomiers 23581211060461435
8Dax 24531111253655534
9Oyonnax 23501011255848753
10Agen 24491001457657327
11Biarritz 23491101252353333
12Nevers 23481101247660322
13Mont de Marsan 23471001359963725
14Valence Romans Drome Rugby 2346901459758928
15Aurillac 23421001350967811
16Nice 2322401942968306

   Qualification direct 1/2 ,    Qualification 1/4 à domicile ,    Qualification 1/4 à l'extérieur ,    Barrage finaliste Nationale ,    Relégation Nationale , 

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