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Andrew HENDERSON,  Hooker

Andrew HENDERSON is an international scottish rugby player at the hooker position.He was born on 17/06/1979. He measures 1 m 73 for 85 kg.

Career  My calendars My standings

Practical information  For the full stats of a player, click the corresponding number !
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
14/15  London BroncosLeague One Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
  London BroncosLeague One Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
13/14  SheffieldLeague One Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
  SheffieldEngland Cup --------
Migration de données en cours
  ScotlandRugby League world cup --------
Migration de données en cours
12/13  SheffieldEngland Cup --------
Migration de données en cours
11/12  SheffieldEngland Cup 4------
Migration de données en cours
10/11  SheffieldEngland Cup --------
Migration de données en cours
08/09  ScotlandRugby League world cup ---------
Migration de données en cours
07/08  CastlefordSuper League 8------
Migration de données en cours
Competitions Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
League One444381------
England Cup4771------
Rugby League world cup-63-------
Super League827162------
Teams Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
London Broncos-1711-------
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Important info  You can contact us to correct data or complete it via our Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter or our contact address at the top of the page

My calendars

CompetitionsDateTeam 1Team 2ScorePlayed
League One15/02/2015London BroncosDoncaster RLFC26 - 22-
League One21/02/2015SheffieldLondon Broncos40 - 6-
League One28/02/2015LeighLondon Broncos25 - 12-
League One07/03/2015London BroncosWorkington34 - 16-
League One14/03/2015WhitehavenLondon Broncos18 - 16-
League One27/03/2015London BroncosHalifax22 - 18-
League One02/04/2015FeatherstoneLondon Broncos8 - 24-
League One05/04/2015London BroncosBatley25 - 18-
League One11/04/2015BradfordLondon Broncos28 - 2-
League One25/04/2015London BroncosDewsbury16 - 20-
League One02/05/2015HunsletLondon Broncos12 - 32-
League One09/05/2015London BroncosFeatherstone32 - 40-
League One22/05/2015London BroncosSheffield46 - 69 (0 minutes)
League One30/05/2015London BroncosBradford18 - 369 (0 minutes)
League One06/06/2015London BroncosLeigh29 - 209 (0 minutes)
League One09/06/2015BatleyLondon Broncos22 - 289 (0 minutes)
League One13/06/2015Doncaster RLFCLondon Broncos4 - 309 (0 minutes)
League One20/06/2015London BroncosHunslet34 - 129 (0 minutes)
League One27/06/2015HalifaxLondon Broncos46 - 229 (0 minutes)
League One05/07/2015London BroncosWhitehaven40 - 24-
League One11/07/2015DewsburyLondon Broncos24 - 12-
League One18/07/2015WorkingtonLondon Broncos29 - 18-
League One25/07/2015London BroncosSheffield14 - 229 (0 minutes)
League One08/08/2015London BroncosDoncaster RLFC52 - 129 (0 minutes)
League One15/08/2015WhitehavenLondon Broncos40 - 169 (0 minutes)
League One23/08/2015London BroncosHunslet24 - 419 (0 minutes)
League One31/08/2015DewsburyLondon Broncos25 - 1614 (0 minutes)
League One05/09/2015London BroncosWorkington50 - 1014 (0 minutes)
League One13/09/2015London BroncosBatley50 - 1614 (0 minutes)
League One20/09/2015FeatherstoneLondon Broncos20 - 1014 (0 minutes)
League One26/09/2015DewsburyLondon Broncos18 - 3414 (0 minutes)
League One03/10/2015London BroncosFeatherstone4 - 3614 (0 minutes)

My standings

League One
1Leigh 23662111972343
2Bradford 23591814828387
3Halifax 23521607646377
4Sheffield 23521706586451
5Dewsbury 234412110490461
6London Broncos 234212011538510
7Featherstone 234113010633565
8Batley 23317016421539
9Workington 23257115379631
10Whitehaven 23257016418671
11Hunslet 23205018362769
12Doncaster RLFC 2381022282851

League One
1Dewsbury 306017112686624
2Featherstone 305919011809701
3London Broncos 305315015756674
4Batley 304210020645707
5Workington 303711118587782
6Whitehaven 303510020618921
7Hunslet 30328022518957
8Doncaster RLFC 301320284011128

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