
French  Español

Baptiste DELAPORTE,  Third Row

Baptiste DELAPORTE is a french rugby player. He plays at Castres at the third row position.He is 28 years old and was born on 27/03/1997. He measures 1 m 90 for 94 kg.

Team career  Prize list My calendars My standings

Practical information  For the full stats of a player, click the corresponding number !
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
24/25  Castres  Top 14 -------628
07/09/2024CastresRacing 9231 - 2819------33
21/09/2024CastresUSAP27 - 177------80
28/09/2024LOUCastres40 - 386------80
05/10/2024CastresStade Toulousain28 - 237------80
12/10/2024PauCastres33 - 266------80
19/10/2024CastresStade Français35 - 137------80
26/10/2024VannesCastres34 - 287------57
02/11/2024CastresMontpellier30 - 2616------31
23/11/2024CastresLa Rochelle28 - 2419------27
22/03/2025La RochelleCastres12 - 127------80
10 Games played000000628
23/24  Castres  European Rugby Challenge Cup -------184
16/12/2023Edinburgh RugbyCastres34 - 2120------24
13/01/2024CastresBlack Lion28 - 66------80
05/04/2024GloucesterCastres30 - 256------80
3 Games played000000184
  Castres  Top 14 10-----1374
04/11/2023Stade FrançaisCastres39 - 166------50
11/11/2023CastresOyonnax39 - 1122------12
26/08/2023Union Bordeaux BèglesCastres25 - 2316------74
02/09/2023CastresBayonne37 - 07------59
27/01/2024CastresClermont20 - 237------80
06/01/2024Racing 92Castres34 - 3019------25
31/12/2023CastresUSAP13 - 1716------56
23/12/2023MontpellierCastres30 - 217------56
02/12/2023CastresLOU29 - 147------53
18/11/2023CastresStade Toulousain31 - 237------52
29/10/2023La RochelleCastres24 - 2722------28
03/02/2024PauCastres33 - 446------80
08/06/2024BayonneCastres17 - 2871-----80
01/06/2024CastresStade Français27 - 187------80
18/05/2024ClermontCastres36 - 206------80
11/05/2024CastresMontpellier27 - 267------52
27/04/2024OyonnaxCastres22 - 197------57
20/04/2024CastresLa Rochelle25 - 2471-----60
30/03/2024USAPCastres43 - 127------80
23/03/2024CastresRacing 9221 - 2316------50
09/03/2024LOUCastres34 - 196------80
02/03/2024Stade ToulousainCastres33 - 620------27
24/02/2024CastresUnion Bordeaux Bègles41 - 126------80
18/02/2024CastresToulon25 - 1720------23
24 Games played2000001374
22/23  Castres  European Rugby Champions Cup ------160
17/12/2022Edinburgh RugbyCastres31 - 206------80
21/01/2023ExeterCastres40 - 37----1-80
2 Games played000010160
  Castres  Top 14 ------1146
03/09/2022Racing 92Castres25 - 198------80
10/09/2022CastresStade Français30 - 207------80
24/09/2022CastresBrive12 - 68------80
01/10/2022USAPCastres14 - 1021------36
08/10/2022CastresMontpellier26 - 1318------35
15/10/2022CastresBayonne39 - 227------61
29/10/2022CastresClermont26 - 2218------35
05/11/2022LOUCastres26 - 207------80
04/12/2022CastresPau26 - 2218------29
23/12/2022Stade ToulousainCastres22 - 188------67
31/12/2022CastresRacing 9226 - 268------80
28/01/2023CastresUnion Bordeaux Bègles23 - 1816------26
04/02/2023ClermontCastres41 - 2616----2-73
04/03/2023CastresLOU27 - 2218------14
25/03/2023CastresStade Toulousain27 - 1716------19
15/04/2023MontpellierCastres19 - 286----2-80
22/04/2023CastresToulon31 - 186------80
06/05/2023PauCastres40 - 37------80
13/05/2023BriveCastres13 - 1619------31
28/05/2023CastresUSAP26 - 167------80
20 Games played0000401146
21/22  Castres  European Rugby Champions Cup -------71
14/01/2022CastresMunster13 - 168------71
1 Games played00000071
  Castres  Top 14 ------947
04/09/2021CastresPau16 - 1216------30
11/09/2021ClermontCastres30 - 348------80
18/09/2021CastresUnion Bordeaux Bègles23 - 2317------29
25/09/2021Stade FrançaisCastres34 - 106------80
16/10/2021CastresBiarritz38 - 206------80
23/10/2021Stade ToulousainCastres41 - 019------29
30/10/2021CastresBrive23 - 226------80
06/11/2021LOUCastres30 - 236------47
29/01/2022Union Bordeaux BèglesCastres23 - 1019------30
05/02/2022ToulonCastres10 - 2217----1-24
19/02/2022CastresLOU19 - 177------80
05/03/2022CastresMontpellier25 - 98------80
26/03/2022BriveCastres28 - 1219------24
02/04/2022CastresStade Toulousain19 - 1318------26
23/04/2022CastresClermont12 - 022------28
30/04/2022BiarritzCastres13 - 4818------29
22/05/2022CastresUSAP28 - 1219------30
05/06/2022PauCastres16 - 267------80
17/06/2022CastresStade Toulousain24 - 1819------28
24/06/2022CastresMontpellier10 - 2919------33
20 Games played000010947
20/21  Castres  Top 14 ------1219
05/09/2020AgenCastres22 - 267------80
13/09/2020CastresStade Français16 - 2216------50
17/01/2021MontpellierCastres19 - 216------62
22/12/2020CastresBrive24 - 2517------66
31/10/2020CastresRacing 9228 - 2619------4
27/11/2020CastresClermont14 - 407----1-80
06/12/2020PauCastres13 - 176------80
07/02/2021CastresBayonne31 - 2117------29
02/01/2021LOUCastres14 - 1516------63
09/01/2021CastresAgen39 - 2316------30
31/01/2021Stade FrançaisCastres29 - 920------30
13/02/2021CastresMontpellier48 - 176------80
19/02/2021Racing 92Castres23 - 208------80
06/03/2021CastresLa Rochelle22 - 156------60
23/01/2021ClermontCastres59 - 197------80
27/03/2021CastresPau38 - 336------80
17/04/2021CastresStade Toulousain26 - 2416------28
29/04/2021BayonneCastres23 - 267------57
07/05/2021CastresLOU37 - 2916------39
15/05/2021Union Bordeaux BèglesCastres20 - 167------62
29/05/2021BriveCastres28 - 336------51
05/06/2021CastresToulon46 - 2418------28
22 Games played0000101219
19/20  Castres  European Rugby Challenge Cup 10-----258
17/01/2020WorcesterCastres27 - 33171-----34
11/01/2020CastresNewport Gwent Dragons42 - 146------80
06/12/2019Enisey-STM KrasnoyarskCastres12 - 286------64
23/11/2019CastresWorcester17 - 961-----80
4 Games played200000258
  Castres  Top 14 -------966
Migration de données en cours
18/19  Castres  European Rugby Champions Cup -------234
14/10/2018GloucesterCastres19 - 147------80
20/10/2018CastresExeter29 - 257------74
13/01/2019ExeterCastres34 - 127------80
3 Games played000000234
  Castres  Top 14 -------1025
Migration de données en cours
17/18  Castres  European Rugby Champions Cup --------46
21/10/2017LeicesterCastres54 - 2920------31
21/01/2018MunsterCastres48 - 320------15
2 Games played00000046
  Castres  Top 14 -------339
Migration de données en cours
Competitions Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Top 1410134852---4-7644
European Rugby Challenge Cup10752-----442
European Rugby Champions Cup-86----1-511
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Important info  You can contact us to correct data or complete it via our Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter or our contact address at the top of the page

Prize list


French championship - Top 14

2022CastresRunners up

My calendars

CompetitionsDateTeam 1Team 2ScorePlayed
Top 1407/09/2024CastresRacing 9231 - 2819 (33 minutes)
Top 1414/09/2024ToulonCastres30 - 28-
Top 1421/09/2024CastresUSAP27 - 177 (80 minutes)
Top 1428/09/2024LOUCastres40 - 386 (80 minutes)
Top 1405/10/2024CastresStade Toulousain28 - 237 (80 minutes)
Top 1412/10/2024PauCastres33 - 266 (80 minutes)
Top 1419/10/2024CastresStade Français35 - 137 (80 minutes)
Top 1426/10/2024VannesCastres34 - 287 (57 minutes)
Top 1402/11/2024CastresMontpellier30 - 2616 (31 minutes)
Top 1423/11/2024CastresLa Rochelle28 - 2419 (27 minutes)
Top 1430/11/2024ClermontCastres54 - 10-
Top 1421/12/2024CastresUnion Bordeaux Bègles3 - 13-
Top 1428/12/2024BayonneCastres33 - 12-
Top 1404/01/2025CastresPau24 - 19-
Top 1425/01/2025Racing 92Castres20 - 27-
Top 1415/02/2025USAPCastres20 - 20-
Top 1422/02/2025CastresLOU30 - 25-
Top 1401/03/2025MontpellierCastres21 - 17-
Top 1422/03/2025La RochelleCastres12 - 127 (80 minutes)
Top 1429/03/2025CastresToulon-
Top 1419/04/2025CastresVannes-
Top 1426/04/2025Stade ToulousainCastres-
Top 1410/05/2025CastresClermont-
Top 1417/05/2025Union Bordeaux BèglesCastres-
Top 1431/05/2025CastresBayonne-
Top 1407/06/2025Stade FrançaisCastres-

My standings

Top 14
1Stade Toulousain 1965131559432774
2Union Bordeaux Bègles 1964140556540044
3Toulon 1962130653041173
4Bayonne 1948110846648613
5LOU 194492850448222
6Castres 194492845448513
7Pau 1942901049051933
8Clermont 1940801144046944
9La Rochelle 1940811041547033
10Montpellier 1939801144241025
11Stade Français 1936801143052622
12Racing 92 1935711146851705
13USAP 1930611232346222
14Vannes 1928601348464104

   Qualification direct 1/2 ,    Qualification 1/4 à domicile ,    Qualification 1/4 à l'extérieur ,    Barrage finaliste Pro D2 ,    Relégation Pro D2 , 

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