
French  Español

Bastien POYDESSUS,  Third Row

Bastien POYDESSUS is a french rugby player at the third row position.

Career  My calendars My standings

Practical information  For the full stats of a player, click the corresponding number !
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
18/19  NafarroaFederale 1 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
23/09/2018LavaurNafarroa63 - 127------80
07/10/2018NafarroaTyrosse16 - 158------80
13/10/2018TarbesNafarroa87 - 06------80
21/10/2018NafarroaMarmande40 - 2420------20
04/11/2018NafarroaValence d'Agen22 - 2020------17
11/11/2018OloronNafarroa33 - 168------54
18/11/2018NafarroaLannemezan27 - 2119------10
02/12/2018BagneresNafarroa23 - 2020------40
27/01/2019NafarroaLavaur23 - 2116------20
03/02/2019TyrosseNafarroa39 - 916------36
17/02/2019NafarroaTarbes23 - 1416------24
03/03/2019MarmandeNafarroa49 - 1317------34
12 Games played000000495
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My calendars

CompetitionsDateTeam 1Team 2ScorePlayed
Federale 102/09/2018NafarroaAnglet9 - 19-
Federale 108/09/2018AlbiNafarroa73 - 22-
Federale 116/09/2018NafarroaSaint Jean de Luz9 - 31-
Federale 123/09/2018LavaurNafarroa63 - 127 (80 minutes)
Federale 107/10/2018NafarroaTyrosse16 - 158 (80 minutes)
Federale 113/10/2018TarbesNafarroa87 - 06 (80 minutes)
Federale 121/10/2018NafarroaMarmande40 - 2420 (20 minutes)
Federale 104/11/2018NafarroaValence d'Agen22 - 2020 (17 minutes)
Federale 111/11/2018OloronNafarroa33 - 168 (54 minutes)
Federale 118/11/2018NafarroaLannemezan27 - 2119 (10 minutes)
Federale 102/12/2018BagneresNafarroa23 - 2020 (40 minutes)
Federale 109/12/2018AngletNafarroa22 - 11-
Federale 106/01/2019NafarroaAlbi18 - 15-
Federale 113/01/2019Saint Jean de LuzNafarroa19 - 6-
Federale 127/01/2019NafarroaLavaur23 - 2116 (20 minutes)
Federale 103/02/2019TyrosseNafarroa39 - 916 (36 minutes)
Federale 117/02/2019NafarroaTarbes23 - 1416 (24 minutes)
Federale 103/03/2019MarmandeNafarroa49 - 1317 (34 minutes)
Federale 110/03/2019Valence d'AgenNafarroa36 - 12-
Federale 124/03/2019NafarroaOloron24 - 16-
Federale 106/04/2019LannemezanNafarroa29 - 21-
Federale 121/04/2019NafarroaBagneres15 - 9-

My standings

Federale 1 - Groupe 2
1Albi 22951804749268134
2Saint Jean de Luz 2274150752641244
3Tarbes 2262140854038435
4Anglet 22601111044046417
5Lavaur 2257911249239967
6Lannemezan 2252921142143326
7Tyrosse 2250821245748726
8Marmande 22501001242960322
9Oloron 2249901344454034
10Bagneres 2247901334549814
11Valence d'Agen 2246801447652126
12Nafarroa 2243901336867801

   Qualification 1/4 ,    Qualification Yves du Manoir ,    Relégation Federale 2 , 

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