
French  Español

Elie SASTRE,  Wing

Elie SASTRE is a french rugby player. He plays at Limoux at the wing position..

Team career  Prize list My calendars My standings

Practical information  For the full stats of a player, click the corresponding number !
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
24/25  XIII Limoux  Elite France XIII 4------
25/01/2025XIII LimouxToulouse Olympique Elite24 - 165-------
16/02/2025Carcassonne XIIIXIII Limoux22 - 232-------
02/03/2025XIII LimouxPia30 - 1821------
3 Games played1000000
23/24  XIII Limoux  Elite France XIII 40------
01/10/2023LézignanXIII Limoux4 - 3051------
08/10/2023XIII LimouxSaint-Estève - XIII Catalan30 - 1451------
15/10/2023XIII LimouxVilleneuve/Lot42 - 455------
21/10/2023Avignon XIIIXIII Limoux18 - 1221------
12/11/2023PiaXIII Limoux12 - 202-------
25/11/2023Carcassonne XIIIXIII Limoux28 - 83-------
09/12/2023XIII LimouxToulouse Olympique Elite34 - 1231------
14/01/2024XIII LimouxLézignan10 - 3031------
24/02/2024Albi XIIIXIII Limoux4 - 03-------
02/03/2024XIII LimouxPia10 - 182-------
10 Games played10000000
22/23  XIII Limoux  Elite France XIII 20------
05/11/2022Albi XIIIXIII Limoux23 - 225-------
27/11/2022Saint Gaudens XIIIXIII Limoux10 - 48151------
14/01/2023XIII LimouxVilleneuve/Lot54 - 041------
15/04/2023XIII LimouxToulouse Olympique Elite62 - 1423------
4 Games played5000000
20/21  Toulouse Olympique Elite  Elite France XIII --------
Migration de données en cours
Teams Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
XIII Limoux64171616------
Toulouse Olympique Elite-11-------
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Important info  You can contact us to correct data or complete it via our Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter or our contact address at the top of the page

Prize list


French championship - Elite France XIII


My calendars

CompetitionsDateTeam 1Team 2ScorePlayed
Elite France XIII21/09/2024Villeneuve/LotXIII Limoux14 - 28-
Elite France XIII29/09/2024XIII LimouxSaint-Estève - XIII Catalan37 - 36-
Elite France XIII05/10/2024Toulouse Olympique EliteXIII Limoux12 - 25-
Elite France XIII20/10/2024XIII LimouxCarcassonne XIII16 - 46-
Elite France XIII27/10/2024PiaXIII Limoux26 - 18-
Elite France XIII03/11/2024XIII LimouxVillefranche XIII Aveyron24 - 34-
Elite France XIII24/11/2024XIII LimouxLézignan36 - 4-
Elite France XIII30/11/2024XIII LimouxAlbi XIII8 - 10-
Elite France XIII15/12/2024Saint Gaudens XIIIXIII Limoux26 - 22-
Elite France XIII21/12/2024XIII LimouxAvignon XIII34 - 0-
Elite France XIII11/01/2025XIII LimouxVilleneuve/Lot18 - 6-
Elite France XIII18/01/2025Saint-Estève - XIII CatalanXIII Limoux26 - 16-
Elite France XIII25/01/2025XIII LimouxToulouse Olympique Elite24 - 165 (0 minutes)
Elite France XIII16/02/2025Carcassonne XIIIXIII Limoux22 - 232 (0 minutes)
Elite France XIII02/03/2025XIII LimouxPia30 - 182 (0 minutes)
Elite France XIII09/03/2025Villefranche XIII AveyronXIII Limoux22 - 16-
Elite France XIII29/03/2025LézignanXIII Limoux-
Elite France XIII12/04/2025Albi XIIIXIII Limoux-
Elite France XIII19/04/2025XIII LimouxSaint Gaudens XIII-
Elite France XIII26/04/2025Avignon XIIIXIII Limoux-

My standings

Elite France XIII
1Albi XIII 16391204372216
2Saint-Estève - XIII Catalan 17391205444351
3Carcassonne XIII 16381105527285
4XIII Limoux 1633907375318
5Villeneuve/Lot 1732908324326
6Pia 1530807376299
7Villefranche XIII Aveyron 1627808318410
8Lézignan 16236010327390
9Avignon XIII 17237010292464
10Saint Gaudens XIII 1622709400397
11Toulouse Olympique Elite 1640016206505

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