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Guram SHENGELIA,  Third Row

Guram SHENGELIA is an international georgian rugby player at the third row position.He was born on 10/10/1992. He measures 1 m 93 for 105 kg.

Career  Prize list My calendars My standings

Practical information  For the full stats of a player, click the corresponding number !
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
22/23  RC BatumiEurope Super Cup Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
11/09/2022RC BatumiBlack Lion3 - 297------80
17/09/2022Romanian WolvesRC Batumi37 - 1517------30
24/09/2022RC BatumiTel-Aviv Heat19 - 1171-----80
15/10/2022RC BatumiRomanian Wolves23 - 371-----74
22/10/2022Tel-Aviv HeatRC Batumi25 - 87------62
29/10/2022Black LionRC Batumi37 - 05------76
6 Games played200000402
17/18  GeorgiaRugby Europe Championship Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
16/17  GeorgiaRugby Europe 7 Grand Prix Series LodzRequires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
  GeorgiaRugby Europe 7 Grand Prix Series MoscowRequires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
11/12  GeorgiaIRB Junior World rugby Trophy Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
Competitions Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Europe Super CupRequires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Rugby Europe ChampionshipRequires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Rugby Europe 7 Grand Prix SeriesRequires subscription with an It's rugby pass
IRB Junior World rugby TrophyRequires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Important info  You can contact us to correct data or complete it via our Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter or our contact address at the top of the page

Prize list


International - Rugby Europe Championship


My calendars

CompetitionsDateTeam 1Team 2ScorePlayed
Europe Super Cup11/09/2022RC BatumiBlack Lion3 - 297 (80 minutes)
Europe Super Cup17/09/2022Romanian WolvesRC Batumi37 - 1517 (30 minutes)
Europe Super Cup24/09/2022RC BatumiTel-Aviv Heat19 - 117 (80 minutes)
Europe Super Cup15/10/2022RC BatumiRomanian Wolves23 - 37 (74 minutes)
Europe Super Cup22/10/2022Tel-Aviv HeatRC Batumi25 - 87 (62 minutes)
Europe Super Cup29/10/2022Black LionRC Batumi37 - 05 (76 minutes)

My standings

Europe Super Cup - Groupe 1
1Black Lion 6234112017941
2Tel-Aviv Heat 6194111659510
3RC Batumi 682046814200
4Romanian Wolves 661059221011

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