: news, results, standings, stats ...

French  Español

Hugo GENS,  Third Row

Hugo GENS is a french rugby player at the third row position.He was born on 11/03/2001. He measures 1 m 92 for 95 kg.

Team career  Prize list My calendars My standings

Practical information  For the full stats of a player, click the corresponding number !
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
22/23  Millau  Federale 2 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
21/22  Montpellier  Espoirs No data
Migration de données en cours
20/21  Montpellier  Espoirs No data
Migration de données en cours
  Montpellier  Top 14 ------106
25/05/2021Union Bordeaux BèglesMontpellier57 - 97----1-80
15/05/2021Stade FrançaisMontpellier32 - 1019------26
2 Games played000010106
19/20  Montpellier  Espoirs No data
Migration de données en cours
Competitions Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Federale 2Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
EspoirsRequires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Top 14Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Important info  You can contact us to correct data or complete it via our Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter or our contact address at the top of the page

Prize list


European Cup - European Rugby Challenge Cup


My calendars

CompetitionsDateTeam 1Team 2ScorePlayed
Federale 211/09/2022Villefranche de LauragaisMillau35 - 8-
Federale 218/09/2022MillauArgelès-sur-Mer20 - 1316 (33 minutes)
Federale 202/10/2022MillauSaint Sulpice La Pointe27 - 67 (54 minutes)
Federale 209/10/2022PézenasMillau10 - 506 (54 minutes)
Federale 216/10/2022MillauServian-Boujan46 - 85 (80 minutes)
Federale 223/10/2022GaillacMillau15 - 86 (80 minutes)
Federale 206/11/2022MillauPalavas20 - 266 (52 minutes)
Federale 213/11/2022BalmaMillau30 - 2419 (29 minutes)
Federale 227/11/2022MillauLeucate-Corbières27 - 156 (51 minutes)
Federale 204/12/2022Salanque Côte Radieuse XVMillau25 - 307 (59 minutes)
Federale 211/12/2022MillauPrades32 - 29-
Federale 218/12/2022MillauVillefranche de Lauragais54 - 1320 (24 minutes)
Federale 215/01/2023Argelès-sur-MerMillau11 - 10-
Federale 229/01/2023MillauPézenas37 - 29-
Federale 205/02/2023Saint Sulpice La PointeMillau6 - 16-
Federale 212/02/2023Servian-BoujanMillau19 - 22-
Federale 219/02/2023MillauGaillac15 - 27-
Federale 205/03/2023PalavasMillau24 - 14-
Federale 212/03/2023MillauBalma26 - 20-
Federale 226/03/2023Leucate-CorbièresMillau13 - 10-
Federale 202/04/2023MillauSalanque Côte Radieuse XV29 - 6-
Federale 216/04/2023PradesMillau12 - 18-
Federale 207/05/2023St Jean en RoyansMillau27 - 23-
Federale 214/05/2023MillauSt Jean en Royans18 - 15-

My standings

Federale 2 - Groupe 3
1Gaillac 2290180468239663
2Millau 2276140854339265
3Balma 2275131860646276
4Prades 22651201057955735
5Pézenas 22621111051655025
6Palavas 2261112958444534
7Villefranche de Lauragais 22611021054555426
8Salanque Côte Radieuse XV 225886850556914
9Argelès-sur-Mer 2252811353054527
10Leucate-Corbières 2251911237149313
11Saint Sulpice La Pointe 2238611535058912
12Servian-Boujan 2235411739265128

   Qualification ,    Relégation  , 

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