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Manoa WACOKECOKE,  Centre

Manoa WACOKECOKE is a english rugby player at the centre position.He was born on 03/07/2004. He measures 1 m 82 for 96 kg.

Career  My calendars My standings

Practical information  For the full stats of a player, click the corresponding number !
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
23/24  Featherstone RoversKingstone Press Championship --------
17/03/2024Batley BulldogsFeatherstone Rovers20 - 242-------
29/03/2024Featherstone RoversWakefield Trinity12 - 202-------
07/04/2024Featherstone RoversBradford Bulls14 - 242-------
19/05/2024Dewsbury RamsFeatherstone Rovers12 - 462-------
26/05/2024Barrow RaidersFeatherstone Rovers25 - 1214-------
5 Games played0000000
22/23  Hull FCSuper League ----------
Migration de données en cours
Competitions Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Kingstone Press Championship-54-------
Super League----------
Teams Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Featherstone Rovers-54-------
Hull FC----------
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Important info  You can contact us to correct data or complete it via our Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter or our contact address at the top of the page

My calendars

CompetitionsDateTeam 1Team 2ScorePlayed
Kingstone Press Championship17/03/2024Batley BulldogsFeatherstone Rovers20 - 242 (0 minutes)
Kingstone Press Championship29/03/2024Featherstone RoversWakefield Trinity12 - 202 (0 minutes)
Kingstone Press Championship07/04/2024Featherstone RoversBradford Bulls14 - 242 (0 minutes)
Kingstone Press Championship14/04/2024Doncaster RLFCFeatherstone Rovers4 - 46-
Kingstone Press Championship21/04/2024Featherstone RoversWidnes Vikings32 - 24-
Kingstone Press Championship28/04/2024Whitehaven RLFCFeatherstone Rovers24 - 28-
Kingstone Press Championship05/05/2024Featherstone RoversHalifax RLFC36 - 16-
Kingstone Press Championship19/05/2024Dewsbury RamsFeatherstone Rovers12 - 462 (0 minutes)
Kingstone Press Championship26/05/2024Barrow RaidersFeatherstone Rovers25 - 1214 (0 minutes)
Kingstone Press Championship02/06/2024Featherstone RoversSwinton Lions40 - 42-
Kingstone Press Championship16/06/2024Sheffield EaglesFeatherstone Rovers18 - 16-
Kingstone Press Championship23/06/2024Featherstone RoversYork City Knights24 - 34-
Kingstone Press Championship29/06/2024Toulouse Olymp. XIIIFeatherstone Rovers20 - 0-
Kingstone Press Championship07/07/2024Featherstone RoversWhitehaven RLFC66 - 0-
Kingstone Press Championship14/07/2024Halifax RLFCFeatherstone Rovers6 - 14-
Kingstone Press Championship20/07/2024Featherstone RoversDoncaster RLFC12 - 24-
Kingstone Press Championship28/07/2024Wakefield TrinityFeatherstone Rovers46 - 18-
Kingstone Press Championship04/08/2024Featherstone RoversBatley Bulldogs24 - 16-
Kingstone Press Championship11/08/2024Widnes VikingsFeatherstone Rovers0 - 8-
Kingstone Press Championship18/08/2024Bradford BullsFeatherstone Rovers21 - 22-
Kingstone Press Championship24/08/2024Featherstone RoversToulouse Olymp. XIII22 - 10-
Kingstone Press Championship01/09/2024Featherstone RoversBarrow Raiders36 - 18-
Kingstone Press Championship08/09/2024Swinton LionsFeatherstone Rovers28 - 8-
Kingstone Press Championship15/09/2024Featherstone RoversSheffield Eagles6 - 20-
Kingstone Press Championship21/09/2024Featherstone RoversDewsbury Rams50 - 12-
Kingstone Press Championship29/09/2024York City KnightsFeatherstone Rovers16 - 6-
Kingstone Press Championship06/10/2024Bradford BullsFeatherstone Rovers25 - 12-

My standings

Kingstone Press Championship
1Wakefield Trinity 265025011006262
2Toulouse Olymp. XIII 26371817782384
3Bradford Bulls 26341628682385
4York City Knights 263015011655473
5Widnes Vikings 262914111551475
6Featherstone Rovers 262814012622500
7Sheffield Eagles 262814012626526
8Doncaster RLFC 262512113498619
9Halifax RLFC 262211015509650
10Batley Bulldogs 262211015422589
11Barrow Raiders 26199116458758
12Swinton Lions 26189017466678
13Whitehaven RLFC 26188216451854
14Dewsbury Rams 2642024344919

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