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Moses FALETOLU,  Centre

Moses FALETOLU is a new-zealand rugby player at the centre position.He was born on 16/06/1994. He measures 1 m 79 for 96 kg.

Team career  My calendars My standings

Practical information  For the full stats of a player, click the corresponding number !
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
2019  Southland  MITRE 10 CUP -------235
Migration de données en cours
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
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My calendars

CompetitionsDateTeam 1Team 2ScorePlayed
MITRE 10 CUP08/08/2019SouthlandNorthland17 - 2713 (80 minutes)
MITRE 10 CUP17/08/2019OtagoSouthland41 - 2213 (59 minutes)
MITRE 10 CUP25/08/2019SouthlandNorth Harbour12 - 3319 (24 minutes)
MITRE 10 CUP31/08/2019CanterburySouthland80 - 019 (28 minutes)
MITRE 10 CUP06/09/2019Hawkes BaySouthland41 - 2319 (13 minutes)
MITRE 10 CUP14/09/2019SouthlandManawatu26 - 3117 (31 minutes)
MITRE 10 CUP21/09/2019SouthlandCounties Manukau42 - 14-
MITRE 10 CUP26/09/2019TaranakiSouthland19 - 0-
MITRE 10 CUP05/10/2019AucklandSouthland64 - 7-
MITRE 10 CUP10/10/2019SouthlandBay of Plenty12 - 22-

My standings

MITRE 10 CUP - Groupe 2
1Bay of Plenty 104180234116072
2Hawkes Bay 103971230726190
3Otago 102550526632750
4Manawatu 102140619931741
5Taranaki 101840622726020
6Northland 101120822539621
7Southland 10710916137221

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