
French  Español

Nicolas SALIOU,  Prop

Nicolas SALIOU is a french rugby player. He plays at Castelnaudary at the prop position.He is 28 years old and was born on 10/01/1997. He measures 1 m 85 for 113 kg.

Team career  My calendars My standings

Practical information  For the full stats of a player, click the corresponding number !
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
24/25  Castelnaudary  Federale 1 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
08/09/2024CéretCastelnaudary32 - 2620------19
15/09/2024St-Sulpice-sur-LèzeCastelnaudary27 - 101------40
03/11/2024CastelnaudaryBlagnac25 - 26161-----20
10/11/2024FCTTCastelnaudary31 - 141------62
17/11/2024CastelnaudaryGrenade12 - 201------53
5 Games played100000194
23/24  Castelnaudary  Federale 1 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
24/09/2023L Isle JourdainCastelnaudary27 - 1517------32
15/10/2023LayracCastelnaudary17 - 181------49
22/10/2023CastelnaudaryFCTT10 - 171------53
05/11/2023MazametCastelnaudary20 - 1620------24
12/11/2023CastelnaudaryGaillac8 - 121------56
19/11/2023Lombez SamatanCastelnaudary26 - 1819------20
07/04/2024BagneresCastelnaudary29 - 211------80
14/01/2024LavaurCastelnaudary24 - 191------57
21/01/2024CastelnaudaryL Isle Jourdain19 - 231------52
11/02/2024CastelnaudaryLayrac31 - 81------80
03/03/2024CastelnaudaryMazamet10 - 151------80
14/04/2024CastelsarrasinCastelnaudary22 - 181------80
12 Games played000000663
22/23  Castanet  Federale 1 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
11/09/2022CastanetCastelsarrasin14 - 4117------33
18/09/2022Lombez SamatanCastanet22 - 2117------40
25/09/2022LavaurCastanet18 - 91------52
09/10/2022MazametCastanet36 - 2020------22
15/10/2022CastanetFCTT11 - 1616------43
06/11/2022CastanetValence d'Agen14 - 123------40
13/11/2022TulleCastanet23 - 2316------29
27/11/2022L Isle JourdainCastanet30 - 817------30
04/12/2022PamiersCastanet32 - 711-----45
11/12/2022CastanetSt-Sulpice-sur-Lèze19 - 181------65
29/01/2023CastanetMazamet13 - 311------60
15/01/2023CastanetLombez Samatan3 - 1517------20
12 Games played100000479
Important info  You can contact us to correct data or complete it via our Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter or our contact address at the top of the page

My calendars

CompetitionsDateTeam 1Team 2ScorePlayed
Federale 108/09/2024CéretCastelnaudary32 - 2620 (19 minutes)
Federale 115/09/2024St-Sulpice-sur-LèzeCastelnaudary27 - 101 (40 minutes)
Federale 122/09/2024CastelnaudaryGruissan19 - 17-
Federale 106/10/2024L Isle JourdainCastelnaudary42 - 11-
Federale 113/10/2024CastelnaudaryGaillac16 - 21-
Federale 120/10/2024CastelsarrasinCastelnaudary30 - 25-
Federale 103/11/2024CastelnaudaryBlagnac25 - 2616 (20 minutes)
Federale 110/11/2024FCTTCastelnaudary31 - 141 (62 minutes)
Federale 117/11/2024CastelnaudaryGrenade12 - 201 (53 minutes)
Federale 101/12/2024LavaurCastelnaudary18 - 12-
Federale 108/12/2024CastelnaudaryMazamet18 - 13-
Federale 115/12/2024CastelnaudaryCéret25 - 19-
Federale 112/01/2025CastelnaudarySt-Sulpice-sur-Lèze9 - 13-
Federale 119/01/2025GruissanCastelnaudary18 - 9-
Federale 126/01/2025CastelnaudaryL Isle Jourdain9 - 27-
Federale 109/02/2025GaillacCastelnaudary22 - 15-
Federale 116/02/2025CastelnaudaryCastelsarrasin30 - 17-
Federale 102/03/2025BlagnacCastelnaudary56 - 13-
Federale 109/03/2025CastelnaudaryFCTT28 - 26-
Federale 123/03/2025GrenadeCastelnaudary19 - 10-
Federale 130/03/2025CastelnaudaryLavaur-
Federale 113/04/2025MazametCastelnaudary-

My standings

Federale 1 - Groupe 3
1L Isle Jourdain 2070141554433662
2St-Sulpice-sur-Lèze 2063130742133734
3Blagnac 1860121546534142
4Gaillac 1958120743236215
5Mazamet 2055110943739925
6Céret 1954111741239704
7Grenade 194591940645112
8FCTT 1944801141841617
9Gruissan 1941801132636415
10Castelsarrasin 2039801245155012
11Castelnaudary 2031501533649407
12Lavaur 1924301635355408

   Qualification 1/8 ,    Qualification 1/16 à domicile ,    Qualification 1/16 à l'extérieur ,    Relégation Federale 2 , 

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