
French  Español

Ogbemudia OTABOR,  Prop

Ogbemudia OTABOR is a french rugby player. He plays at Strasbourg at the prop position.He is 20 years old and was born on 14/03/2005.

Team career  My calendars My standings

Practical information  For the full stats of a player, click the corresponding number !
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
24/25  Strasbourg  Federale 3 No data
Migration de données en cours
23/24  Oyonnax  Espoirs Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
Competitions Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Federale 3Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
EspoirsRequires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Important info  You can contact us to correct data or complete it via our Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter or our contact address at the top of the page

My calendars

CompetitionsDateTeam 1Team 2ScorePlayed
Federale 315/09/2024ColmarStrasbourg19 - 38-
Federale 322/09/2024StrasbourgIllkirch Graffenstaden28 - 25-
Federale 329/09/2024Villers-les-NancyStrasbourg30 - 39-
Federale 313/10/2024HaguenauStrasbourg29 - 20-
Federale 320/10/2024StrasbourgPontault-Combault24 - 3-
Federale 327/10/2024VerdunStrasbourg14 - 47-
Federale 310/11/2024StrasbourgEpernay15 - 13-
Federale 317/11/2024MetzStrasbourg5 - 31-
Federale 324/11/2024StrasbourgGretz-Tournan23 - 9-
Federale 308/12/2024StrasbourgColmar48 - 17-
Federale 312/01/2025Illkirch GraffenstadenStrasbourg29 - 18-
Federale 326/01/2025StrasbourgVillers-les-Nancy62 - 22-
Federale 309/02/2025StrasbourgHaguenau40 - 37-
Federale 316/02/2025Pontault-CombaultStrasbourg26 - 27-
Federale 302/03/2025StrasbourgVerdun51 - 0-
Federale 309/03/2025EpernayStrasbourg31 - 22-
Federale 323/03/2025StrasbourgMetz52 - 13-
Federale 306/04/2025Gretz-TournanStrasbourg-

My standings

Federale 3 - Groupe 2
1Illkirch Graffenstaden 1768140351428771
2Strasbourg 1767140358532280
3Gretz-Tournan 1654111453526053
4Epernay 174681842334845
5Haguenau 164271851642236
6Pontault-Combault 174180945546533
7Colmar 163461937841523
8Metz 163052940148821
9Villers-les-Nancy 1730601137956412
10Verdun 175101626187600

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