
French  Español

Pierre FERRAS,  Third Row

Pierre FERRAS is a french rugby player. He plays at Bagnères at the third row position.He is 31 years old and was born on 24/03/1994. He measures 1 m 99 for 92 kg.

Team career  My calendars My standings

Practical information  For the full stats of a player, click the corresponding number !
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
24/25  Bagneres  Federale 1 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
08/09/2024BagneresPeyrehorade44 - 2020------20
15/09/2024BagneresCastillon-la-bataille28 - 224------60
22/09/2024Gujan MestrasBagneres14 - 3920------22
06/10/2024BagneresTyrosse22 - 1320------15
13/10/2024NafarroaBagneres16 - 214------60
20/10/2024BagneresSaint-Médard41 - 137------80
02/11/2024LourdesBagneres27 - 247------80
10/11/2024BagneresFloirac19 - 1571-----62
17/11/2024BagneresMonflanquin29 - 1220------19
01/12/2024BagneresLayrac24 - 217------80
08/12/2024OloronBagneres6 - 67------80
15/12/2024PeyrehoradeBagneres16 - 137------80
19/01/2025BagneresGujan Mestras49 - 37------80
02/03/2025BagneresLourdes15 - 167------80
09/03/2025FloiracBagneres40 - 257------80
15 Games played100000898
23/24  Bagneres  Federale 1 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
10/09/2023BagneresCastelsarrasin19 - 167------80
17/09/2023BagneresFCTT19 - 127------57
24/09/2023St-Sulpice-sur-LèzeBagneres32 - 1917------25
08/10/2023BagneresMazamet30 - 207----1-45
15/10/2023LavaurBagneres16 - 1717------24
22/10/2023BagneresGaillac21 - 2271-----61
05/11/2023L Isle JourdainBagneres12 - 257------80
12/11/2023BagneresLombez Samatan28 - 227------51
07/04/2024BagneresCastelnaudary29 - 217------80
10/12/2023LayracBagneres10 - 87----1-59
17/12/2023CastelsarrasinBagneres27 - 2322------5
14/01/2024FCTTBagneres16 - 137------80
21/01/2024BagneresSt-Sulpice-sur-Lèze26 - 117------40
11/02/2024BagneresLavaur34 - 227------80
18/02/2024GaillacBagneres51 - 197------80
14/04/2024BagneresLayrac41 - 127------80
31/03/2024CastelnaudaryBagneres10 - 237------80
28/04/2024TyrosseBagneres37 - 107------55
18 Games played1000201062
22/23  Bagneres  Federale 1 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
10/09/2022LangonBagneres15 - 37------80
18/09/2022BagneresPeyrehorade27 - 97------80
25/09/2022Saint-MédardBagneres26 - 19191-----33
09/10/2022BagneresOloron23 - 127------80
16/10/2022Gujan MestrasBagneres24 - 257------80
23/10/2022BagneresNafarroa19 - 157------80
13/11/2022BagneresBarbezieux18 - 127------80
26/11/2022BergeracBagneres23 - 167------80
04/12/2022BagneresMauléon15 - 134------80
11/12/2022SallesBagneres20 - 1022------17
18/12/2022BagneresLangon25 - 217------80
15/01/2023PeyrehoradeBagneres24 - 184------60
22/01/2023BagneresSaint-Médard27 - 277------80
29/01/2023OloronBagneres16 - 167------56
12/02/2023BagneresGujan Mestras51 - 104------80
19/02/2023NafarroaBagneres8 - 234------58
05/03/2023BagneresNantes21 - 1018------16
11/03/2023BarbezieuxBagneres23 - 37------80
26/03/2023BagneresBergerac27 - 1419------21
16/04/2023BagneresSalles28 - 304------80
30/04/2023Nuits-Saint-GeorgesBagneres22 - 207------69
21 Games played1000001370
21/22  Bagneres  Federale 1 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
05/09/2021AuchBagneres20 - 1820------10
19/09/2021PeyrehoradeBagneres35 - 1421------17
03/10/2021BagneresTyrosse13 - 56------80
10/10/2021NafarroaBagneres10 - 186------48
24/10/2021BagneresFleurance23 - 3321------30
07/11/2021OloronBagneres6 - 106------64
05/12/2021BagneresLannemezan15 - 67------68
13/02/2022BagneresAuch13 - 97------57
20/03/2022Saint Jean de LuzBagneres21 - 167------80
16/01/2022BagneresPeyrehorade31 - 1320------28
23/01/2022TyrosseBagneres12 - 67------80
30/01/2022BagneresNafarroa20 - 64------51
20/02/2022BagneresAnglet16 - 2619------20
27/02/2022FleuranceBagneres42 - 347------62
13/03/2022BagneresOloron19 - 226------80
27/03/2022Lombez SamatanBagneres21 - 197------80
03/04/2022BagneresMauléon16 - 187------66
10/04/2022LannemezanBagneres23 - 37------80
18 Games played0000001001
20/21  Bagneres  Federale 1 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
20/09/2020BagneresLannemezan17 - 919------22
27/09/2020TyrosseBagneres29 - 1520------22
11/10/2020BagneresMauléon18 - 2820------21
18/10/2020AngletBagneres10 - 1420----1-15
4 Games played00001080
18/19  Lannemezan  Federale 1 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
16/09/2018LannemezanBagneres38 - 1718-------
23/09/2018AngletLannemezan22 - 107------80
18/11/2018NafarroaLannemezan27 - 2120------15
10/03/2019LannemezanTyrosse34 - 2020------14
23/03/2019TarbesLannemezan20 - 1618-------
06/04/2019LannemezanNafarroa29 - 21192-----20
21/04/2019Valence d'AgenLannemezan27 - 206------55
04/05/2019LannemezanCognac/Saint Jean d'Angély18 - 246------146
12/05/2019Cognac/Saint Jean d'AngélyLannemezan25 - 76------124
9 Games played200000454
14/15  Lannemezan  Federale 1 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
Important info  You can contact us to correct data or complete it via our Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter or our contact address at the top of the page

My calendars

CompetitionsDateTeam 1Team 2ScorePlayed
Federale 108/09/2024BagneresPeyrehorade44 - 2020 (20 minutes)
Federale 115/09/2024BagneresCastillon-la-bataille28 - 224 (60 minutes)
Federale 122/09/2024Gujan MestrasBagneres14 - 3920 (22 minutes)
Federale 106/10/2024BagneresTyrosse22 - 1320 (15 minutes)
Federale 113/10/2024NafarroaBagneres16 - 214 (60 minutes)
Federale 120/10/2024BagneresSaint-Médard41 - 137 (80 minutes)
Federale 102/11/2024LourdesBagneres27 - 247 (80 minutes)
Federale 110/11/2024BagneresFloirac19 - 157 (62 minutes)
Federale 117/11/2024BagneresMonflanquin29 - 1220 (19 minutes)
Federale 101/12/2024BagneresLayrac24 - 217 (80 minutes)
Federale 108/12/2024OloronBagneres6 - 67 (80 minutes)
Federale 115/12/2024PeyrehoradeBagneres16 - 137 (80 minutes)
Federale 112/01/2025Castillon-la-batailleBagneres16 - 29-
Federale 119/01/2025BagneresGujan Mestras49 - 37 (80 minutes)
Federale 126/01/2025TyrosseBagneres19 - 6-
Federale 109/02/2025BagneresNafarroa30 - 17-
Federale 102/03/2025BagneresLourdes15 - 167 (80 minutes)
Federale 109/03/2025FloiracBagneres40 - 257 (80 minutes)
Federale 123/03/2025MonflanquinBagneres20 - 33-
Federale 130/03/2025LayracBagneres-
Federale 106/04/2025Saint-MédardBagneres-
Federale 113/04/2025BagneresOloron-

My standings

Federale 1 - Groupe 4
1Tyrosse 1972141458730882
2Bagneres 1965131549732643
3Peyrehorade 2060112747939444
4Nafarroa 2056111855549242
5Saint-Médard 1954110844342033
6Oloron 2054101941739644
7Lourdes 2050101940142624
8Gujan Mestras 1946100940256511
9Floirac 2044721144548526
10Layrac 2043811138644814
11Monflanquin 2034601438146906
12Castillon-la-bataille 2020201842468808

   Qualification 1/8 ,    Qualification 1/16 à domicile ,    Qualification 1/16 à l'extérieur ,    Relégation Federale 2 , 

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