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Tomas MCCALL,  Full back

Tomas MCCALL is a argentine rugby player at the full back position.He was born on 26/06/1997. He measures 1 m 80 for 85 kg.

Career  My calendars My standings

Practical information  For the full stats of a player, click the corresponding number !
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
23/24  Yacare XVSuper Rugby Americas Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
17/02/2024Yacare XVPampas XV32 - 4815------80
20/04/2024SelknamYacare XV39 - 1515------59
2 Games played000000139
22/23  Yacare XVSuper Rugby Americas Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
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My calendars

CompetitionsDateTeam 1Team 2ScorePlayed
Super Rugby Americas17/02/2024Yacare XVPampas XV32 - 4815 (80 minutes)
Super Rugby Americas24/02/2024Yacare XVSelknam34 - 20-
Super Rugby Americas03/03/2024Dogos XVYacare XV36 - 32-
Super Rugby Americas09/03/2024Yacare XVCobras51 - 7-
Super Rugby Americas16/03/2024Penarol RugbyYacare XV24 - 41-
Super Rugby Americas24/03/2024American RaptorsYacare XV35 - 33-
Super Rugby Americas13/04/2024Pampas XVYacare XV22 - 12-
Super Rugby Americas20/04/2024SelknamYacare XV39 - 1515 (59 minutes)
Super Rugby Americas28/04/2024Yacare XVDogos XV22 - 19-
Super Rugby Americas04/05/2024CobrasYacare XV10 - 27-
Super Rugby Americas12/05/2024Yacare XVPenarol Rugby17 - 31-
Super Rugby Americas19/05/2024Yacare XVAmerican Raptors20 - 10-
Super Rugby Americas08/06/2024Dogos XVYacare XV17 - 14-

My standings

Super Rugby Americas
1Pampas XV 12551101524230101
2Dogos XV 124482237622771
3Yacare XV 123260633630162
4Penarol Rugby 123051629131662
5Selknam 122651628832131
6American Raptors 121730922244332
7Cobras 1211201022642521

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