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Alessandro GIANCARLINI,  Lock

Alessandro GIANCARLINI is a italian rugby player at the lock position.He was born on 16/07/1997. He measures 1 m 87 for 100 kg.

Team career  My calendars My standings

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Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
19/20  Lazio Rugby  Super 10 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
18/19  Lazio Rugby  Super 10 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
16/17  Lazio Rugby  Super 10 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
15/16  Lazio Rugby  Super 10 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
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My calendars

CompetitionsDateTeam 1Team 2ScorePlayed
Super 1019/10/2019Mogliano Rugby 1969Lazio Rugby38 - 166 (80 minutes)
Super 1026/10/2019Lazio RugbyPetrarca Padova Rugby19 - 40-
Super 1002/11/2019Fiamme Oro RomaLazio Rugby34 - 22-
Super 1009/11/2019Lazio RugbyValorugby Emilia7 - 34-
Super 1030/11/2019Kawasaki Robot CalvisanoLazio Rugby40 - 107 (80 minutes)
Super 1022/12/2019Lazio RugbyLafert San Dona16 - 67 (80 minutes)
Super 1029/12/2019Rugby Colorno 1975Lazio Rugby25 - 226 (80 minutes)
Super 1004/01/2020Lazio RugbyFemi CZ Rugby Rovigo17 - 397 (80 minutes)
Super 1025/01/2020I MediceiLazio Rugby32 - 06 (58 minutes)
Super 1002/02/2020Rugby Lyons PiacenzaLazio Rugby19 - 1818 (24 minutes)
Super 1008/02/2020Lazio RugbyRugby Viadana 197023 - 378 (41 minutes)
Super 1015/02/2020Lazio RugbyMogliano Rugby 196923 - 21-
Super 1001/03/2020Petrarca Padova RugbyLazio Rugby0 - 0-
Super 1008/03/2020Lazio RugbyFiamme Oro Roma0 - 0-
Super 1014/03/2020Valorugby EmiliaLazio Rugby0 - 0-
Super 1020/03/2020Lazio RugbyKawasaki Robot Calvisano0 - 0-
Super 1028/03/2020Lafert San DonaLazio Rugby0 - 0-
Super 1004/04/2020Lazio RugbyRugby Colorno 19750 - 0-
Super 1011/04/2020Femi CZ Rugby RovigoLazio Rugby0 - 0-
Super 1018/04/2020Lazio RugbyI Medicei0 - 0-
Super 1025/04/2020Lazio RugbyRugby Lyons Piacenza0 - 0-
Super 1002/05/2020Rugby Viadana 1970Lazio Rugby0 - 0-

My standings

Super 10
1Femi CZ Rugby Rovigo 1251110134318061
2Conad Valorugby Emilia 124481335220973
3Fiamme Oro Roma 124481332924782
4Rugby Calvisano 124390331121952
5Petrarca Padova Rugby 124290330319551
6Mogliano Rugby 1969 122550721125123
7I Medicei 122550724128532
8Rugby Viadana 1970 122441722325224
9Lafert San Dona 122241721125413
10Rugby Colorno 1975 121630925138513
11Rugby Lyons Piacenza 1214201023836415
12Lazio Rugby 1211201019336512

   Qualification 1/2 ,    Relégation , 

Its rugby

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