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Girvan DEMPSEY,  Full back

Girvan DEMPSEY is an international irish rugby player at the full back position.He was born on 02/10/1975. He measures 1 m 82 for 90 kg.

Career  Prize list My calendars My standings

Practical information  For the full stats of a player, click the corresponding number !
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
09/10  LeinsterHeineken Cup --------23
12/12/2009ScarletsLeinster7 - 3221------1
19/12/2009LeinsterScarlets39 - 717------19
08/04/2010LeinsterClermont29 - 2816------3
3 Games played00000023
  LeinsterRabodirect PRO12 10-----768
Migration de données en cours
08/09  Ireland6 nations tournament ---------0
Migration de données en cours
  IrelandInternational Tests -------71
Migration de données en cours
  LeinsterHeineken Cup 5-----332
11/10/2008Edinburgh RugbyLeinster16 - 2715------80
18/10/2008LeinsterWasps41 - 1115------80
06/12/2008LeinsterCastres33 - 315------71
12/12/2008CastresLeinster18 - 15151-----80
01/05/2009MunsterLeinster6 - 2518------21
5 Games played100000332
  LeinsterRabodirect PRO12 5-----1042
Migration de données en cours
07/08  Ireland6 nations tournament 5-----160
02/02/2008IRLIT16 - 11151-----80
09/02/2008FRIRL26 - 2115------80
2 Games played100000160
  LeinsterHeineken Cup -------463
10/11/2007LeinsterLeicester22 - 915------80
18/11/2007Stade ToulousainLeinster33 - 615------63
07/12/2007LeinsterEdinburgh Rugby28 - 1415------80
15/12/2007Edinburgh RugbyLeinster29 - 1015------80
12/01/2008LeinsterStade Toulousain20 - 1315------80
19/01/2008LeicesterLeinster25 - 915------80
6 Games played000000463
  IrelandInternational Tests -11------80
Migration de données en cours
  IrelandWorld Cup 5-----240
09/09/2007IRLNAM32 - 1715------80
15/09/2007IRLGEO14 - 10151-----80
21/09/2007FRIRL25 - 315------80
3 Games played100000240
  LeinsterRabodirect PRO12 5-----655
Migration de données en cours
06/07  Ireland6 nations tournament 15-----400
04/02/2007PDGIRL9 - 1915------80
11/02/2007IRLFR17 - 2015------80
24/02/2007IRLENG43 - 13151-----80
10/03/2007ECOIRL18 - 1915------80
17/03/2007ITIRL24 - 51152-----80
5 Games played300000400
  LeinsterHeineken Cup 12----555
21/10/2006LeinsterGloucester37 - 2015------80
29/10/2006Edinburgh GunnersLeinster25 - 24152-----80
09/12/2006LeinsterAgen26 - 1015------80
16/12/2006AgenLeinster13 - 2515---1--80
13/01/2007LeinsterEdinburgh Gunners49 - 1015------80
19/01/2007GloucesterLeinster19 - 1315------80
30/03/2007WaspsLeinster35 - 1315------75
7 Games played200100555
  IrelandInternational Tests -22------121
Migration de données en cours
  LeinsterRabodirect PRO12 5-----675
Migration de données en cours
05/06  Ireland6 nations tournament --------15
18/03/2006ENGIRL24 - 2817------15
1 Games played00000015
  IrelandInternational Tests 5-----103
Migration de données en cours
  LeinsterCeltic League 20-----1440
Migration de données en cours
  LeinsterHeineken Cup 5-----595
21/10/2005LeinsterBath19 - 2215------80
29/10/2005GlasgowLeinster20 - 3315------80
10/12/2005LeinsterBourgoin53 - 715------80
16/12/2005BourgoinLeinster30 - 2815------80
13/01/2006LeinsterGlasgow46 - 22151-----74
21/01/2006BathLeinster23 - 3515------41
01/04/2006Stade ToulousainLeinster35 - 4115------80
22/04/2006LeinsterMunster6 - 3015------80
8 Games played100000595
04/05  IrelandInternational Tests 5-----322
Migration de données en cours
  Ireland6 nations tournament -------373
05/02/2005ITIRL17 - 2816------53
11/02/2005ECOIRL13 - 4014------80
26/02/2005IRLENG19 - 1314------80
11/03/2005IRLFR19 - 2611------80
18/03/2005PDGIRL32 - 2014------80
5 Games played000000373
  LeinsterHeineken Cup 5-----477
29/10/2004LeinsterBath30 - 1115------82
03/12/2004LeinsterBourgoin92 - 1715------80
09/12/2004BourgoinLeinster23 - 2615------75
07/01/2005BathLeinster23 - 2715------80
14/01/2005LeinsterTreviso57 - 17151-----80
01/04/2005LeinsterLeicester13 - 2915------80
6 Games played100000477
03/04  LeinsterHeineken Cup 9----480
05/12/2003LeinsterBiarritz32 - 615------80
11/12/2003CardiffLeinster19 - 2415------80
08/01/2004LeinsterSale22 - 2315------80
17/01/2004SaleLeinster16 - 2315------80
22/01/2004LeinsterCardiff20 - 1715------80
30/01/2004BiarritzLeinster32 - 21151--2--80
6 Games played100200480
  IrelandInternational Tests 5-----178
Migration de données en cours
  IrelandWorld Cup 5-----0
10/10/2003IRLROM45 - 1715------80
18/10/2003IRLNAM64 - 7151-----71
25/10/2003ARGIRL15 - 1615------80
31/10/2003AUSIRL17 - 1615------80
08/11/2003FRIRL43 - 2115------80
5 Games played100000391
  Ireland6 nations tournament 5----391
13/02/2004FRIRL35 - 1715------84
21/02/2004IRLPDG36 - 1515----1-82
05/03/2004ENGIRL13 - 19151-----60
19/03/2004IRLIT19 - 315------83
26/03/2004IRLECO37 - 1615------82
5 Games played100010391
02/03  LeinsterHeineken Cup -------509
10/10/2002LeinsterBristol29 - 2315------80
18/10/2002SwanseaLeinster10 - 5115------80
06/12/2002MontferrandLeinster20 - 2315------80
12/12/2002LeinsterMontferrand12 - 915------80
18/01/2003BristolLeinster12 - 2515------29
11/04/2003LeinsterBiarritz18 - 1315------80
26/04/2003LeinsterUSAP14 - 2115------80
7 Games played000000509
  IrelandInternational Tests 5----320
Migration de données en cours
  Ireland6 nations tournament -------81
15/02/2003ECOIRL6 - 3615------80
29/03/2003IRLENG6 - 4216------1
2 Games played00000081
01/02  IrelandInternational Tests -------240
Migration de données en cours
  LeinsterHeineken Cup -------477
27/09/2001LeinsterStade Toulousain40 - 1015------80
04/10/2001LeinsterNewcastle28 - 915------80
25/10/2001LeinsterNewport21 - 615------80
07/01/2002NewcastleLeinster15 - 1715------80
12/01/2002Stade ToulousainLeinster43 - 715------77
26/01/2002LeicesterLeinster29 - 1815------80
6 Games played000000477
  Ireland6 nations tournament -------400
02/02/2002IRLPDG54 - 1015------80
15/02/2002ENGIRL45 - 1115------80
01/03/2002IRLECO43 - 2215------80
22/03/2002IRLIT32 - 1715------80
05/04/2002FRIRL44 - 515------80
5 Games played000000400
00/01  IrelandInternational Tests -------80
Migration de données en cours
  LeinsterHeineken Cup 8----480
05/10/2000EdinburghLeinster29 - 21151-----80
12/10/2000LeinsterBiarritz35 - 915------80
20/10/2000NorthamptonLeinster8 - 1415-1----80
26/10/2000LeinsterNorthampton40 - 3115------80
11/01/2001LeinsterEdinburgh34 - 3415------80
19/01/2001BiarritzLeinster30 - 1015------80
6 Games played110000480
  Ireland6 nations tournament 5-----400
02/02/2001ITIRL22 - 4115------80
16/02/2001IRLFR22 - 1515------80
21/09/2001ECOIRL32 - 10151-----80
12/10/2001PDGIRL6 - 3615------80
19/10/2001IRLENG20 - 1415------80
5 Games played100000400
99/00  LeinsterHeineken Cup --------
18/11/1999LeinsterLeicester27 - 2015------80
25/11/1999CaledoniansLeinster29 - 1715-------
11/12/1999Stade FrançaisLeinster39 - 615-------
3 Games played00000080
  Ireland6 nations tournament 5-----311
04/02/2000ENGIRL50 - 1818------33
18/02/2000IRLECO44 - 2215------38
03/03/2000IRLIT60 - 13151-----80
18/03/2000FRIRL25 - 2715------80
31/03/2000IRLPDG19 - 2315------80
5 Games played100000311
98/99  IrelandInternational Tests 10-----480
Migration de données en cours
  LeinsterHeineken Cup 5-----0
24/09/1998LeinsterStade Français17 - 2811------80
08/10/1998LeinsterBordeaux-Bègles9 - 311-------
16/10/1998Stade FrançaisLeinster56 - 31141------
30/10/1998Bordeaux-BèglesLeinster31 - 1014-------
05/11/1998LeinsterLlanelli27 - 3411-------
5 Games played10000080
  Ireland5 nations tournament -------240
05/02/1999IRLFR9 - 1011------80
05/03/1999IRLENG15 - 2711------80
19/03/1999ECOIRL30 - 1311------80
3 Games played000000240
96/97  LeinsterHeineken Cup ---------
25/10/1996Scottish bordersLeinster25 - 3417-------
1 Games played0000000
Competitions Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Heineken Cup49696481-3---
Celtic League4562589-----4580
5 nations tournament3538347---1-2771
International Tests 3032266---1-1995
World Cup10882-----240
Teams Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
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Prize list


Irish Championship - Celtic League

2010LeinsterRunners up

European Cup - Heineken Cup


International - 6 nations tournament


My calendars

CompetitionsDateTeam 1Team 2ScorePlayed
Rabodirect PRO1205/09/2009ScarletsLeinster18 - 1615 (65 minutes)
Rabodirect PRO1212/09/2009LeinsterNewport Gwent Dragons23 - 14-
Rabodirect PRO1218/09/2009OspreysLeinster11 - 18-
Rabodirect PRO1226/09/2009Edinburgh RugbyLeinster19 - 21-
Rabodirect PRO1203/10/2009LeinsterMunster30 - 0-
Heineken Cup09/10/2009LeinsterLondon Irish9 - 12-
Heineken Cup17/10/2009BriveLeinster13 - 36-
Rabodirect PRO1224/10/2009UlsterLeinster16 - 1414 (54 minutes)
Rabodirect PRO1231/10/2009LeinsterCardiff Blues23 - 621 (42 minutes)
Rabodirect PRO1206/12/2009Newport Gwent DragonsLeinster30 - 14-
Heineken Cup12/12/2009ScarletsLeinster7 - 3221 (1 minutes)
Heineken Cup19/12/2009LeinsterScarlets39 - 717 (19 minutes)
Rabodirect PRO1226/12/2009LeinsterUlster15 - 3-
Heineken Cup16/01/2010LeinsterBrive27 - 10-
Heineken Cup23/01/2010London IrishLeinster11 - 11-
Rabodirect PRO1220/02/2010LeinsterScarlets27 - 1415 (80 minutes)
Rabodirect PRO1207/03/2010Cardiff BluesLeinster20 - 2915 (80 minutes)
Rabodirect PRO1218/03/2010LeinsterGlasgow Warriors20 - 1415 (80 minutes)
Rabodirect PRO1227/03/2010LeinsterConnacht17 - 1414 (80 minutes)
Rabodirect PRO1202/04/2010MunsterLeinster15 - 1614 (80 minutes)
Heineken Cup08/04/2010LeinsterClermont29 - 2816 (3 minutes)
Rabodirect PRO1216/04/2010LeinsterOspreys20 - 1615 (80 minutes)
Rabodirect PRO1221/04/2010ConnachtLeinster27 - 1315 (47 minutes)
Rabodirect PRO1223/04/2010Glasgow WarriorsLeinster30 - 6-
Heineken Cup30/04/2010Stade ToulousainLeinster26 - 16-
Rabodirect PRO1209/05/2010LeinsterEdinburgh Rugby37 - 2811 (80 minutes)
Rabodirect PRO1214/05/2010LeinsterMunster16 - 6-
Rabodirect PRO1228/05/2010LeinsterOspreys12 - 17-

My standings

Rabodirect PRO12
1Leinster 1855130535929512
2Ospreys 1852111638429833
3Glasgow Warriors 1851112539032121
4Munster 184590931928236
5Cardiff Blues 1844100834931522
6Edinburgh Rugby 1841801038539145
7Newport Gwent Dragons 183981933337832
8Ulster 1836711035737042
9Scarlets 1829501336138218
10Connacht 1826511225445904

Heineken Cup - Groupe 6
1Leinster 6224111546031
2London Irish 6173121409421
3Scarlets 61740211614710
4Brive 610066817701

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