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Gordon BULLOCH,  Hooker

Gordon BULLOCH is an international scottish rugby player at the hooker position.He was born on 26/03/1975. He measures 1 m 80 for 101 kg.

Career  Prize list My calendars My standings

Practical information  For the full stats of a player, click the corresponding number !
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
05/06  LeedsHeineken Cup 5-----182
21/10/2005CardiffLeeds40 - 1320------14
27/10/2005LeedsCalvisano33 - 1620------25
10/12/2005LeedsUSAP21 - 20201-----11
16/12/2005USAPLeeds12 - 82------71
21/01/2006LeedsCardiff48 - 32------61
5 Games played100000182
  LeedsAnglo-Welsh Cup Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
  LeedsGuinness Premiership -------968
02/09/2005LeedsLondon Irish11 - 272------63
10/09/2005SaracensLeeds34 - 1617------40
17/09/2005LeedsWasps23 - 4718------24
24/09/2005LeedsLeicester20 - 282------76
13/10/2005WorcesterLeeds22 - 152------56
04/11/2005LeedsSale11 - 172------59
12/11/2005BristolLeeds32 - 62------60
26/12/2005LeedsNewcastle10 - 1317------27
30/12/2005GloucesterLeeds31 - 720------22
07/01/2006LeedsBath25 - 1418------28
27/01/2006NorthamptonLeeds21 - 1822------34
09/02/2006LeedsBristol26 - 162------73
16/02/2006SaleLeeds35 - 242------60
23/02/2006LeedsWorcester21 - 152------80
09/03/2006LeicesterLeeds26 - 232------54
26/03/2006WaspsLeeds28 - 018------29
06/04/2006LeedsSaracens13 - 172------80
15/04/2006London IrishLeeds28 - 242------50
29/04/2006LeedsGloucester7 - 3118------28
06/05/2006NewcastleLeeds54 - 1917------25
20 Games played000000968
04/05  ScotlandInternational Tests -------288
Migration de données en cours
  British And Irish LionsInternational Tests -------290
Migration de données en cours
  Scotland6 nations tournament -------397
04/02/2005FRECO16 - 92------80
11/02/2005ECOIRL13 - 402------80
25/02/2005ECOIT18 - 102------77
12/03/2005ECOPDG22 - 462------80
18/03/2005ENGECO43 - 222------80
5 Games played000000397
  GlasgowHeineken Cup -------336
23/10/2004GlasgowNorthampton9 - 132------82
28/10/2004Stade ToulousainGlasgow43 - 172------56
04/12/2004GlasgowLlanelli26 - 2917------23
11/12/2004LlanelliGlasgow38 - 222------53
06/01/2005GlasgowStade Toulousain10 - 302------62
13/01/2005NorthamptonGlasgow33 - 232------60
6 Games played000000336
03/04  ScotlandInternational Tests -------390
Migration de données en cours
  ScotlandWorld Cup -------0
19/10/2003ECOUSA39 - 152------80
24/10/2003FRECO51 - 92------77
31/10/2003ECOFID22 - 202------40
07/11/2003AUSECO33 - 162------73
4 Games played000000270
  Scotland6 nations tournament -------365
13/02/2004PDGECO23 - 102------77
20/02/2004ECOENG13 - 352------61
05/03/2004ITECO20 - 142------89
20/03/2004ECOFR0 - 312------65
26/03/2004IRLECO37 - 162------73
5 Games played000000365
02/03  GlasgowHeineken Cup -------461
11/10/2002LlanelliGlasgow45 - 152------80
17/10/2002GlasgowSale26 - 142------80
07/12/2002BourgoinGlasgow35 - 212------67
12/12/2002GlasgowBourgoin13 - 122------80
09/01/2003SaleGlasgow45 - 32------74
16/01/2003GlasgowLlanelli8 - 342------80
6 Games played000000461
  ScotlandInternational Tests -------358
Migration de données en cours
  Scotland6 nations tournament -------391
15/02/2003ECOIRL6 - 362------80
22/02/2003FRECO38 - 32------80
07/03/2003ECOPDG30 - 222------76
21/03/2003ENGECO40 - 92------80
28/03/2003ECOIT33 - 252------75
5 Games played000000391
01/02  ScotlandInternational Tests -------400
Migration de données en cours
  GlasgowHeineken Cup -------480
27/09/2001GlasgowMontferrand19 - 192------80
06/10/2001NorthamptonGlasgow30 - 92------80
26/10/2001CardiffGlasgow46 - 72------80
03/11/2001GlasgowCardiff47 - 322------80
03/01/2002GlasgowNorthampton31 - 272------80
12/01/2002MontferrandGlasgow44 - 132------80
6 Games played000000480
  Scotland6 nations tournament 10-----397
01/02/2002ECOENG3 - 292------80
15/02/2002ITECO12 - 292------80
01/03/2002IRLECO43 - 222------80
22/03/2002ECOFR10 - 222------77
05/04/2002PDGECO22 - 2722-----80
5 Games played200000397
00/01  British And Irish LionsInternational Tests ---------0
Migration de données en cours
  ScotlandInternational Tests --------42
Migration de données en cours
  GlasgowHeineken Cup -------301
06/10/2000PontypriddGlasgow40 - 252------80
14/10/2000GlasgowLeicester21 - 332------61
13/01/2001GlasgowPontypridd25 - 232------80
19/01/2001LeicesterGlasgow41 - 262------80
4 Games played000000301
  Scotland6 nations tournament -------383
03/02/2001FRECO16 - 62------68
16/02/2001ECOPDG28 - 282------80
02/03/2001ENGECO43 - 32------80
16/03/2001ECOIT23 - 192------77
21/09/2001ECOIRL32 - 102------78
5 Games played000000383
99/00  CaledoniansHeineken Cup 5------
20/11/1999Stade FrançaisCaledonians37 - 182-------
25/11/1999CaledoniansLeinster29 - 172-------
11/12/1999CaledoniansLeicester30 - 172-------
17/12/1999LeicesterCaledonians34 - 2121------
06/01/2000LeinsterCaledonians44 - 172-------
13/01/2000CaledoniansStade Français15 - 302-------
6 Games played1000000
  ScotlandInternational Tests -------480
Migration de données en cours
  Scotland6 nations tournament 5-----177
04/02/2000ITECO34 - 2021-----80
18/02/2000IRLECO44 - 222------68
17/03/2000PDGECO26 - 1816------29
3 Games played100000177
  ScotlandWorld Cup -------0
02/10/1999ECOSA29 - 462------80
07/10/1999ECOURU43 - 122------71
19/10/1999ECOSAM35 - 202------80
23/10/1999ECONZ18 - 302------69
4 Games played000000300
98/99  ScotlandInternational Tests -------320
Migration de données en cours
  CaledoniansHeineken Cup -------0
19/09/1998CaledoniansPontypridd21 - 432------80
25/09/1998TrevisoCaledonians34 - 152------80
09/10/1998ColomiersCaledonians34 - 162-------
17/10/1998CaledoniansTreviso40 - 272-------
31/10/1998CaledoniansColomiers26 - 172-------
06/11/1998PontypriddCaledonians32 - 32-------
6 Games played000000160
  Scotland5 nations tournament -------318
05/02/1999ECOPDG33 - 202------80
19/02/1999ENGECO24 - 212------80
19/03/1999ECOIRL30 - 132------78
09/04/1999FRECO22 - 362------80
4 Games played000000318
97/98  ScotlandInternational Tests 10-----640
Migration de données en cours
  GlasgowHeineken Cup 5------
07/09/1997UlsterGlasgow12 - 182------80
13/09/1997GlasgowWasps22 - 4621-----80
20/09/1997GlasgowSwansea35 - 212------80
27/09/1997WaspsGlasgow43 - 52------80
03/10/1997SwanseaGlasgow30 - 222------80
11/10/1997GlasgowUlster30 - 152------80
31/10/1997LeicesterGlasgow90 - 192------80
7 Games played100000560
  Scotland5 nations tournament -------320
06/02/1998IRLECO16 - 172------80
20/02/1998ECOFR16 - 512------80
06/03/1998PDGECO19 - 132------80
20/03/1998ECOENG20 - 342------80
4 Games played000000320
Competitions Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Heineken Cup1547423------
Anglo-Welsh Cup-33----1-204
Guinness Premiership-2011------968
International Tests 1047412-----3208
5 nations tournament1536353-----2748
World Cup-88-------
Teams Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
British And Irish Lions-64------290
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Important info  You can contact us to correct data or complete it via our Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter or our contact address at the top of the page

Prize list


Cup - Anglo-Welsh Cup


International - 5 nations tournament


My calendars

CompetitionsDateTeam 1Team 2ScorePlayed
Guinness Premiership02/09/2005LeedsLondon Irish11 - 272 (63 minutes)
Guinness Premiership10/09/2005SaracensLeeds34 - 1617 (40 minutes)
Guinness Premiership17/09/2005LeedsWasps23 - 4718 (24 minutes)
Guinness Premiership24/09/2005LeedsLeicester20 - 282 (76 minutes)
Anglo-Welsh Cup01/10/2005LeedsLlanelli7 - 282 (62 minutes)
Anglo-Welsh Cup06/10/2005SaleLeeds45 - 102 (62 minutes)
Guinness Premiership13/10/2005WorcesterLeeds22 - 152 (56 minutes)
Heineken Cup21/10/2005CardiffLeeds40 - 1320 (14 minutes)
Heineken Cup27/10/2005LeedsCalvisano33 - 1620 (25 minutes)
Guinness Premiership04/11/2005LeedsSale11 - 172 (59 minutes)
Guinness Premiership12/11/2005BristolLeeds32 - 62 (60 minutes)
Guinness Premiership19/11/2005LeedsNorthampton28 - 25-
Guinness Premiership24/11/2005BathLeeds12 - 16-
Anglo-Welsh Cup01/12/2005LeedsNewcastle18 - 182 (80 minutes)
Heineken Cup10/12/2005LeedsUSAP21 - 2020 (11 minutes)
Heineken Cup16/12/2005USAPLeeds12 - 82 (71 minutes)
Guinness Premiership26/12/2005LeedsNewcastle10 - 1317 (27 minutes)
Guinness Premiership30/12/2005GloucesterLeeds31 - 720 (22 minutes)
Guinness Premiership07/01/2006LeedsBath25 - 1418 (28 minutes)
Heineken Cup14/01/2006CalvisanoLeeds0 - 20-
Heineken Cup21/01/2006LeedsCardiff48 - 32 (61 minutes)
Guinness Premiership27/01/2006NorthamptonLeeds21 - 1822 (34 minutes)
Guinness Premiership09/02/2006LeedsBristol26 - 162 (73 minutes)
Guinness Premiership16/02/2006SaleLeeds35 - 242 (60 minutes)
Guinness Premiership23/02/2006LeedsWorcester21 - 152 (80 minutes)
Guinness Premiership09/03/2006LeicesterLeeds26 - 232 (54 minutes)
Guinness Premiership26/03/2006WaspsLeeds28 - 018 (29 minutes)
Guinness Premiership06/04/2006LeedsSaracens13 - 172 (80 minutes)
Guinness Premiership15/04/2006London IrishLeeds28 - 242 (50 minutes)
Guinness Premiership29/04/2006LeedsGloucester7 - 3118 (28 minutes)
Guinness Premiership06/05/2006NewcastleLeeds54 - 1917 (25 minutes)

My standings

Heineken Cup - Groupe 2
1USAP 6235011605221
2Leeds 6204021439131
3Cardiff Blues 61530312814530
4Calvisano 600064819100

Guinness Premiership
1Sale 2274161557344462
2Leicester 2268143551841551
3London Irish 2266140849345464
4Wasps 2264123752744773
5Gloucester 22591111048338549
6Northampton 22531011146448847
7Newcastle 2247911241643336
8Worcester 2247911245149436
9Saracens 2246811343348357
10Bath 2246911244149435
11Bristol 2241811339344507
12Leeds 2228501736357317

Anglo-Welsh Cup - Groupe 3
1Llanelli 312300745000
2Newcastle 38111724911
3Sale 36102776811
4Leeds 32012359100

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