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Jordan WILLIAMS,  Lock

Jordan WILLIAMS is a sporting english rugby player and welsh origin. He plays at Featherstone at the lock position, at the prop position.He is 28 years old and was born on 04/06/1997. He measures 1 m 90 for 101 kg.

Team career  My calendars My standings

Practical information  For the full stats of a player, click the corresponding number !
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
2025  Featherstone Rovers  Kingstone Press Championship 4-------
16/02/2025Featherstone RoversDoncaster RLFC22 - 417-------
23/02/2025London BroncosFeatherstone Rovers14 - 1217-------
09/03/2025Featherstone RoversSheffield Eagles12 - 19161------
23/03/2025Halifax RLFCFeatherstone Rovers38 - 1215-------
4 Games played1000000
2024  Widnes Vikings  Kingstone Press Championship --------
14/07/2024Widnes VikingsDewsbury Rams34 - 128-------
1 Games played0000000
  London Broncos  Super League 4-------
16/02/2024St Helens SaintsLondon Broncos40 - 415-------
23/02/2024London BroncosDragons Catalans0 - 3416-------
03/03/2024Hull FCLondon Broncos28 - 2416-------
09/03/2024London BroncosWigan Warriors22 - 60162------
17/03/2024London BroncosWarrington Wolves4 - 5814-------
31/03/2024London BroncosHuddersfield Giants6 - 2617-------
20/04/2024London BroncosSalford Red Devils4 - 1215-------
26/04/2024Castleford TigersLondon Broncos40 - 015-------
02/06/2024Salford Red DevilsLondon Broncos34 - 416-------
16/06/2024London BroncosSt Helens Saints6 - 5215-------
21/06/2024Wigan WarriorsLondon Broncos36 - 015-------
06/07/2024Leeds RhinosLondon Broncos17 - 1615-------
12 Games played2000000
2023  London Broncos  Kingstone Press Championship Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
05/02/2023London BroncosBatley Bulldogs20 - 3010-------
12/02/2023Whitehaven RLFCLondon Broncos16 - 2010-------
19/02/2023Halifax RLFCLondon Broncos26 - 1817-------
26/02/2023London BroncosSheffield Eagles20 - 2110-------
05/03/2023Keighley CougarsLondon Broncos33 - 2210-------
18/03/2023Newcastle ThunderLondon Broncos6 - 3610-------
26/03/2023London BroncosSwinton Lions16 - 1410-------
07/04/2023Toulouse Olymp. XIIILondon Broncos52 - 08-------
07/05/2023York City KnightsLondon Broncos30 - 28161------
13/05/2023London BroncosBarrow Raiders30 - 1616-------
27/05/2023London BroncosToulouse Olymp. XIII14 - 1015-------
04/06/2023Widnes VikingsLondon Broncos18 - 2615-------
11/06/2023Bradford BullsLondon Broncos32 - 1614-------
18/06/2023Featherstone RoversLondon Broncos50 - 610-------
02/07/2023London BroncosNewcastle Thunder56 - 1081------
08/07/2023London BroncosToulouse Olymp. XIII22 - 616-------
16/07/2023Swinton LionsLondon Broncos6 - 1216-------
30/07/2023London BroncosYork City Knights10 - 2414-------
06/08/2023Barrow RaidersLondon Broncos6 - 2614-------
20/08/2023London BroncosHalifax RLFC26 - 1215-------
27/08/2023London BroncosWhitehaven RLFC34 - 1816-------
17/09/2023London BroncosBradford Bulls10 - 1215-------
16/04/2023London BroncosFeatherstone Rovers10 - 4015-------
15/10/2023Toulouse Olymp. XIIILondon Broncos14 - 1815-------
24 Games played2000000
2022  London Broncos  Kingstone Press Championship Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
2021  London Skolars  Kingstone Press League 1 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
  London Broncos  England Cup ---------
Migration de données en cours
  London Broncos  Kingstone Press Championship Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
2020  London Broncos  Kingstone Press Championship Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
2019  London Skolars  Kingstone Press League 1 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
2018  London Skolars  Kingstone Press League 1 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
2017  London Skolars  Kingstone Press League 1 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
  London Skolars  England Cup ----------
Migration de données en cours
  London Skolars  Kingstone Press League 1 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
2016  Oxford  Kingstone Press League 1 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
  Oxford  Kingstone Press League 1 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
Competitions Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Kingstone Press ChampionshipRequires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Super LeagueRequires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Kingstone Press League 1Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
England CupRequires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Important info  You can contact us to correct data or complete it via our Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter or our contact address at the top of the page

My calendars

CompetitionsDateTeam 1Team 2ScorePlayed
England Cup09/02/2025Featherstone RoversInce Rose Bridge68 - 0-
Kingstone Press Championship16/02/2025Featherstone RoversDoncaster RLFC22 - 417 (0 minutes)
Kingstone Press Championship23/02/2025London BroncosFeatherstone Rovers14 - 1217 (0 minutes)
Kingstone Press Championship09/03/2025Featherstone RoversSheffield Eagles12 - 1916 (0 minutes)
England Cup15/03/2025Dragons CatalansFeatherstone Rovers46 - 1815 (0 minutes)
Kingstone Press Championship23/03/2025Halifax RLFCFeatherstone Rovers38 - 1215 (0 minutes)
Kingstone Press Championship30/03/2025Featherstone RoversBradford Bulls-
Kingstone Press Championship13/04/2025Oldham RLFCFeatherstone Rovers-
Kingstone Press Championship18/04/2025Featherstone RoversYork City Knights-
Kingstone Press Championship26/04/2025Featherstone RoversToulouse Olymp. XIII-
Kingstone Press Championship11/05/2025Widnes VikingsFeatherstone Rovers-
Kingstone Press Championship25/05/2025Featherstone RoversBatley Bulldogs-
Kingstone Press Championship01/06/2025Barrow RaidersFeatherstone Rovers-
Kingstone Press Championship15/06/2025Featherstone RoversHunslet Hawks-
Kingstone Press Championship20/06/2025Featherstone RoversHalifax RLFC-
Kingstone Press Championship29/06/2025York City KnightsFeatherstone Rovers-
Kingstone Press Championship06/07/2025Featherstone RoversBarrow Raiders-
Kingstone Press Championship11/07/2025Hunslet HawksFeatherstone Rovers-
Kingstone Press Championship19/07/2025Toulouse Olymp. XIIIFeatherstone Rovers-
Kingstone Press Championship27/07/2025Featherstone RoversLondon Broncos-
Kingstone Press Championship03/08/2025Batley BulldogsFeatherstone Rovers-
Kingstone Press Championship17/08/2025Doncaster RLFCFeatherstone Rovers-
Kingstone Press Championship23/08/2025Featherstone RoversWidnes Vikings-
Kingstone Press Championship31/08/2025Sheffield EaglesFeatherstone Rovers-
Kingstone Press Championship07/09/2025Featherstone RoversOldham RLFC-
Kingstone Press Championship14/09/2025Bradford BullsFeatherstone Rovers-

My standings

Kingstone Press Championship
1Halifax RLFC 4840010850
2Toulouse Olymp. XIII 4630110734
3Barrow Raiders 463019050
4Widnes Vikings 463017472
5Oldham RLFC 4521112448
6Bradford Bulls 442027080
7Batley Bulldogs 331115661
8Doncaster RLFC 321026458
9Sheffield Eagles 321024150
10Featherstone Rovers 421035875
11York City Knights 421034385
12London Broncos 321022682
13Hunslet Hawks 4000448164

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