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Joseph BJ LEILUA,  Centre

Joseph BJ LEILUA is an international sporting samoan rugby player and australian origin at the centre position.He was born on 12/12/1991. He measures 1 m 88 for 96 kg.

Team career  International career  Prize list My calendars My standings

Practical information  For the full stats of a player, click the corresponding number !
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
2023  Featherstone Rovers  Kingstone Press Championship Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
19/02/2023Featherstone RoversWhitehaven RLFC76 - 432------
26/02/2023Featherstone RoversNewcastle Thunder56 - 632------
06/03/2023Featherstone RoversBradford Bulls26 - 1215-------
19/03/2023Swinton LionsFeatherstone Rovers6 - 343-------
26/03/2023Featherstone RoversYork City Knights46 - 431------
07/04/2023Batley BulldogsFeatherstone Rovers18 - 2631------
07/05/2023Featherstone RoversSheffield Eagles28 - 203-------
18/06/2023Featherstone RoversLondon Broncos50 - 631------
25/06/2023York City KnightsFeatherstone Rovers8 - 2432------
02/07/2023Whitehaven RLFCFeatherstone Rovers0 - 6031------
29/07/2023Featherstone RoversBatley Bulldogs28 - 83-------
06/08/2023Halifax RLFCFeatherstone Rovers25 - 2231------
18/08/2023Sheffield EaglesFeatherstone Rovers10 - 383-------
27/08/2023Featherstone RoversKeighley Cougars36 - 641------
16/04/2023London BroncosFeatherstone Rovers10 - 403-------
15 Games played12000000
2022  Featherstone Rovers  England Cup 8------
Migration de données en cours
  Featherstone Rovers  Kingstone Press Championship Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
2021  Wests Tigers  NRL 8------
14/03/2021Canberra RaidersWests Tigers30 - 124-------
21/03/2021Wests TigersSydney Roosters6 - 403-------
11/04/2021Wests TigersNorth Queensland Cowboys30 - 344-------
02/05/2021Saint George DragonsWests Tigers8 - 1631------
08/05/2021Wests TigersGold Coast Titans28 - 3631------
14/05/2021Wests TigersNewcastle Knights36 - 184-------
21/05/2021New Zealand WarriorsWests Tigers30 - 264-------
7 Games played2000000
2020  Wests Tigers  NRL 20-----
07/06/2020Gold Coast TitansWests Tigers28 - 2331------
30/05/2020Cronulla SharksWests Tigers16 - 283-------
20/06/2020Wests TigersNorth Queensland Cowboys36 - 2031------
13/06/2020Wests TigersCanberra Raiders6 - 143-------
28/06/2020Canterbury BulldogsWests Tigers6 - 3431------
04/07/2020Wests TigersPenrith Panthers12 - 193----1--
08/08/2020Newcastle KnightsWests Tigers44 - 431------
16/08/2020Wests TigersCanterbury Bulldogs29 - 2831------
22/08/2020Wests TigersSydney Roosters16 - 383-------
29/08/2020Penrith PanthersWests Tigers30 - 63-------
05/09/2020Manly Sea EaglesWests Tigers32 - 343-------
19/09/2020Melbourne StormWests Tigers50 - 223-------
22/03/2020Wests TigersNewcastle Knights24 - 423-------
15/03/2020Saint George DragonsWests Tigers14 - 243-------
14 Games played5000100
2019  Canberra Raiders  NRL 16------
22/03/2019Canberra RaidersMelbourne Storm10 - 224-------
17/03/2019Gold Coast TitansCanberra Raiders0 - 2141------
29/03/2019Canberra RaidersNewcastle Knights17 - 104-------
06/04/2019North Queensland CowboysCanberra Raiders12 - 3041------
14/04/2019Canberra RaidersParramatta Eels19 - 04-------
21/04/2019Canberra RaidersBrisbane Broncos26 - 2242------
28/04/2019Manly Sea EaglesCanberra Raiders24 - 204-------
17/08/2019Melbourne StormCanberra Raiders18 - 224-------
25/08/2019Canberra RaidersManly Sea Eagles14 - 184-------
14/09/2019Melbourne StormCanberra Raiders10 - 1214-------
06/10/2019Canberra RaidersSydney Roosters8 - 144-------
27/09/2019Canberra RaidersSouth Sydney Rabbitohs16 - 104-------
12 Games played4000000
2018  Canberra Raiders  NRL 56-----
11/03/2018Gold Coast TitansCanberra Raiders30 - 2842------
18/03/2018Canberra RaidersNewcastle Knights28 - 304-------
24/03/2018Canberra RaidersNew Zealand Warriors19 - 204-------
31/03/2018Manly Sea EaglesCanberra Raiders32 - 164-------
05/04/2018Canberra RaidersCanterbury Bulldogs26 - 1044------
14/04/2018Canberra RaidersParramatta Eels18 - 24-------
21/04/2018South Sydney RabbitohsCanberra Raiders42 - 224-------
28/04/2018North Queensland CowboysCanberra Raiders8 - 184-------
05/05/2018Canberra RaidersGold Coast Titans32 - 184-------
13/05/2018Canberra RaidersCronulla Sharks16 - 244-------
20/05/2018Saint George DragonsCanberra Raiders25 - 1842------
25/05/2018Canberra RaidersManly Sea Eagles21 - 204-------
08/06/2018Canberra RaidersPenrith Panthers22 - 234-------
17/06/2018Wests TigersCanberra Raiders12 - 4844------
30/06/2018Brisbane BroncosCanberra Raiders26 - 224-------
07/07/2018Canterbury BulldogsCanberra Raiders28 - 3242------
14/07/2018Canberra RaidersNorth Queensland Cowboys38 - 124-------
20/07/2018Cronulla SharksCanberra Raiders28 - 2444------
28/07/2018Melbourne StormCanberra Raiders44 - 1042------
05/08/2018Penrith PanthersCanberra Raiders40 - 3146------
12/08/2018Canberra RaidersWests Tigers20 - 2242---2--
25/08/2018Canberra RaidersSouth Sydney Rabbitohs24 - 124-------
31/08/2018New Zealand WarriorsCanberra Raiders20 - 164-------
23 Games played28000200
2017  Raiders  NRL 40-----
04/03/2017CowboysRaiders20 - 1632------
11/03/2017RaidersCronulla Sharks16 - 424-------
19/03/2017RaidersWests Tigers46 - 64-------
24/03/2017BroncosRaiders13 - 124-------
01/04/2017RaidersEels30 - 1841------
08/04/2017TitansRaiders16 - 4241------
15/04/2017RaidersWarriors20 - 842------
21/04/2017RaidersSea Eagles18 - 204-------
29/04/2017BulldogsRaiders16 - 104-------
14/05/2017KnightsRaiders34 - 204-------
20/05/2017EelsRaiders16 - 2241------
28/05/2017RaidersRoosters24 - 164-------
04/06/2017Sea EaglesRaiders21 - 204-------
10/06/2017PanthersRaiders24 - 2041------
24/06/2017RaidersBroncos20 - 3041------
01/07/2017RaidersCowboys18 - 314----1--
14/07/2017RaidersSG Dragons18 - 144-------
22/07/2017RaidersStorm14 - 204-------
29/07/2017RabbitohsRaiders18 - 324-------
05/08/2017Cronulla SharksRaiders12 - 304-------
13/08/2017WarriorsRaiders16 - 3641------
20/08/2017RaidersPanthers22 - 264-------
25/08/2017RaidersKnights46 - 284-------
02/09/2017StormRaiders32 - 64-------
24 Games played10000100
2016  Raiders  NRL 44-----
05/03/2016RaidersPanthers30 - 224-------
12/03/2016RaidersRoosters21 - 204----1--
04/04/2016BulldogsRaiders8 - 224-------
09/04/2016EelsRaiders36 - 64-------
17/04/2016RaidersCronulla Sharks16 - 404-------
23/04/2016RaidersWests Tigers60 - 642------
30/04/2016PanthersRaiders19 - 184-------
12/05/2016SG DragonsRaiders16 - 124-------
21/05/2016WarriorsRaiders12 - 3841------
29/05/2016RaidersBulldogs32 - 2041------
03/06/2016RaidersSea Eagles30 - 184-------
09/06/2016BroncosRaiders26 - 184-------
26/06/2016TitansRaiders22 - 304-------
03/07/2016RaidersKnights29 - 254-------
11/07/2016RaidersCowboys26 - 124-------
23/07/2016RaidersWarriors26 - 2241------
31/07/2016RabbitohsRaiders4 - 5441------
06/08/2016Cronulla SharksRaiders14 - 304-------
15/08/2016RaidersStorm22 - 842------
21/08/2016RaidersEels28 - 184-------
27/08/2016Sea EaglesRaiders30 - 4442------
04/09/2016Wests TigersRaiders10 - 5241------
17/09/2016RaidersPanthers22 - 124-------
10/09/2016RaidersCronulla Sharks14 - 164-------
24/09/2016StormRaiders14 - 124-------
25 Games played11000100
2015  Raiders  NRL --------
27/06/2015WarriorsRaiders30 - 817-------
18/07/2015RaidersCronulla Sharks20 - 214-------
26/07/2015PanthersRaiders24 - 344-------
01/08/2015CowboysRaiders32 - 244-------
10/08/2015RaidersWests Tigers18 - 204-------
23/08/2015TitansRaiders28 - 124-------
6 Games played0000000
  Knights  NRL 24------
07/03/2015KnightsWarriors24 - 144-------
14/03/2015CowboysKnights14 - 1642------
22/03/2015TitansKnights18 - 204-------
28/03/2015KnightsPanthers26 - 144-------
04/04/2015KnightsSG Dragons0 - 134-------
10/04/2015Cronulla SharksKnights22 - 64-------
19/04/2015KnightsEels22 - 284-------
25/04/2015KnightsCowboys24 - 2641------
10/05/2015Sea EaglesKnights30 - 104-------
17/05/2015KnightsWests Tigers22 - 1241------
25/05/2015KnightsBroncos18 - 3141------
31/05/2015WarriorsKnights24 - 204-------
06/06/2015KnightsRaiders22 - 4441------
13 Games played6000000
2014  Knights  NRL 40------
08/03/2014PanthersKnights30 - 84-------
16/03/2014KnightsRaiders20 - 264-------
24/03/2014StormKnights28 - 204-------
30/03/2014KnightsCronulla Sharks30 - 042------
07/04/2014CowboysKnights28 - 24-------
12/04/2014RaidersKnights12 - 264-------
18/04/2014KnightsBroncos6 - 324-------
26/04/2014BulldogsKnights16 - 124-------
11/05/2014KnightsPanthers10 - 324-------
01/06/2014WarriorsKnights38 - 1841------
08/06/2014KnightsWests Tigers20 - 234-------
23/06/2014KnightsCowboys36 - 2841------
29/06/2014EelsKnights10 - 1641------
13/07/2014Cronulla SharksKnights18 - 314-------
20/07/2014KnightsTitans8 - 2241------
25/07/2014KnightsRoosters16 - 1241------
02/08/2014RabbitohsKnights50 - 103-------
09/08/2014KnightsStorm32 - 303-------
17/08/2014KnightsWarriors28 - 2241------
23/08/2014BroncosKnights48 - 64-------
30/08/2014KnightsEels42 - 1241------
07/09/2014KnightsSG Dragons40 - 1041------
22 Games played10000000
2013  Knights  NRL 52------
13/04/2013KnightsPanthers8 - 63-------
19/05/2013KnightsBulldogs44 - 841------
26/05/2013WarriorsKnights28 - 124-------
01/06/2013RabbitohsKnights25 - 184-------
08/06/2013KnightsSG Dragons8 - 1441------
16/06/2013StormKnights16 - 1442------
30/06/2013KnightsTitans46 - 1641------
07/07/2013BulldogsKnights12 - 184-------
21/07/2013PanthersKnights14 - 324-------
28/07/2013KnightsRoosters12 - 284-------
02/08/2013KnightsBroncos18 - 1841------
10/08/2013Cronulla SharksKnights14 - 184-------
18/08/2013KnightsStorm10 - 2341------
24/08/2013CowboysKnights26 - 64-------
30/08/2013BroncosKnights18 - 2642------
08/09/2013KnightsEels54 - 632------
14/09/2013BulldogsKnights6 - 224-------
20/09/2013StormKnights16 - 183-------
27/09/2013RoostersKnights40 - 1432------
19 Games played13000000
2012  Roosters  NRL 24-----
04/03/2012RabbitohsRoosters20 - 243-------
10/03/2012RoostersPanthers0 - 183-------
17/03/2012RoostersRaiders14 - 83-------
24/03/2012StormRoosters44 - 42-------
31/03/2012RoostersWarriors26 - 82-------
06/04/2012TitansRoosters12 - 183-------
13/04/2012RoostersCowboys12 - 5031------
24/04/2012SG DragonsRoosters28 - 243-------
05/05/2012RoostersKnights24 - 63-------
11/05/2012WarriorsRoosters30 - 2631------
19/05/2012Sea EaglesRoosters18 - 103-------
09/06/2012RoostersBroncos22 - 4031------
16/06/2012Wests TigersRoosters28 - 423-------
23/06/2012RoostersSea Eagles14 - 522-------
08/07/2012Cronulla SharksRoosters14 - 1421------
15/07/2012RoostersRabbitohs22 - 2421------
21/07/2012PanthersRoosters28 - 162-------
26/07/2012RoostersTitans16 - 363-------
02/08/2012RoostersSG Dragons26 - 1031---1--
19 Games played6000100
2011  Roosters  NRL 44------
Migration de données en cours
2010  Roosters  NRL 12------
Migration de données en cours
Competitions Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Kingstone Press Championship108363527------
England Cup8222------
Teams Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Featherstone Rovers116383729------
Wests Tigers2821217---1--
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Important info  You can contact us to correct data or complete it via our Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter or our contact address at the top of the page

Prize list


Australian XIII Championship - NRL

2019RaidersRunners up
2010RoostersRunners up

My calendars

CompetitionsDateTeam 1Team 2ScorePlayed
Kingstone Press Championship06/02/2023Keighley CougarsFeatherstone Rovers0 - 50-
Kingstone Press Championship12/02/2023Featherstone RoversHalifax RLFC46 - 22-
Kingstone Press Championship19/02/2023Featherstone RoversWhitehaven RLFC76 - 43 (0 minutes)
Kingstone Press Championship26/02/2023Featherstone RoversNewcastle Thunder56 - 63 (0 minutes)
Kingstone Press Championship06/03/2023Featherstone RoversBradford Bulls26 - 1215 (0 minutes)
Kingstone Press Championship19/03/2023Swinton LionsFeatherstone Rovers6 - 343 (0 minutes)
Kingstone Press Championship26/03/2023Featherstone RoversYork City Knights46 - 43 (0 minutes)
Kingstone Press Championship07/04/2023Batley BulldogsFeatherstone Rovers18 - 263 (0 minutes)
Kingstone Press Championship16/04/2023London BroncosFeatherstone Rovers10 - 403 (0 minutes)
Kingstone Press Championship07/05/2023Featherstone RoversSheffield Eagles28 - 203 (0 minutes)
Kingstone Press Championship14/05/2023Widnes VikingsFeatherstone Rovers0 - 30-
Kingstone Press Championship27/05/2023Featherstone RoversYork City Knights46 - 16-
Kingstone Press Championship04/06/2023Featherstone RoversBarrow Raiders64 - 6-
Kingstone Press Championship10/06/2023Featherstone RoversToulouse Olymp. XIII18 - 36-
Kingstone Press Championship18/06/2023Featherstone RoversLondon Broncos50 - 63 (0 minutes)
Kingstone Press Championship25/06/2023York City KnightsFeatherstone Rovers8 - 243 (0 minutes)
Kingstone Press Championship02/07/2023Whitehaven RLFCFeatherstone Rovers0 - 603 (0 minutes)
Kingstone Press Championship09/07/2023Featherstone RoversSwinton Lions52 - 6-
Kingstone Press Championship16/07/2023Barrow RaidersFeatherstone Rovers10 - 20-
Kingstone Press Championship29/07/2023Featherstone RoversBatley Bulldogs28 - 83 (0 minutes)
Kingstone Press Championship06/08/2023Halifax RLFCFeatherstone Rovers25 - 223 (0 minutes)
Kingstone Press Championship18/08/2023Sheffield EaglesFeatherstone Rovers10 - 383 (0 minutes)
Kingstone Press Championship27/08/2023Featherstone RoversKeighley Cougars36 - 64 (0 minutes)
Kingstone Press Championship03/09/2023Bradford BullsFeatherstone Rovers8 - 16-
Kingstone Press Championship08/09/2023Newcastle ThunderFeatherstone Rovers22 - 56-
Kingstone Press Championship16/09/2023Toulouse Olymp. XIIIFeatherstone Rovers16 - 29-
Kingstone Press Championship23/09/2023Featherstone RoversWidnes Vikings62 - 10-
Kingstone Press Championship08/10/2023Featherstone RoversLondon Broncos26 - 36-

My standings

Kingstone Press Championship
1Featherstone Rovers 275025021079295
2Toulouse Olymp. XIII 27381908834385
3Bradford Bulls 273316110677572
4Sheffield Eagles 273216011780560
5London Broncos 273216011600552
6York City Knights 273015012557557
7Batley Bulldogs 273015012506519
8Halifax RLFC 272914112690572
9Widnes Vikings 272613014619654
10Swinton Lions 27189018426739
11Barrow Raiders 27178118471672
12Whitehaven RLFC 27168019481809
13Keighley Cougars 27168019506837
14Newcastle Thunder 27115121415918

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