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Keith WOOD,  Hooker

Keith WOOD is an international irish rugby player at the hooker position.He was born on 27/01/1972. He measures 1 m 83 for 105 kg.

Career  Prize list My calendars My standings

Practical information  For the full stats of a player, click the corresponding number !
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
03/04  IrelandInternational Tests -------160
Migration de données en cours
  IrelandWorld Cup 5-----0
10/10/2003IRLROM45 - 1721-----72
18/10/2003IRLNAM64 - 72------54
25/10/2003ARGIRL15 - 162------80
31/10/2003AUSIRL17 - 162------80
08/11/2003FRIRL43 - 212------80
5 Games played100000366
01/02  IrelandInternational Tests -------237
Migration de données en cours
  HarlequinsHeineken Cup 5-----320
28/09/2001BridgentHarlequins24 - 302------80
05/10/2001HarlequinsMunster8 - 242------80
27/10/2001HarlequinsCastres17 - 392------80
02/11/2001CastresHarlequins24 - 1821-----80
4 Games played100000320
  Ireland6 nations tournament 5-----80
05/04/2002FRIRL44 - 521-----80
1 Games played10000080
00/01  British And Irish LionsInternational Tests ---------0
Migration de données en cours
  IrelandInternational Tests -------400
Migration de données en cours
  Ireland6 nations tournament 5-----396
02/02/2001ITIRL22 - 412------79
16/02/2001IRLFR22 - 152------80
21/09/2001ECOIRL32 - 102------80
12/10/2001PDGIRL6 - 362------77
19/10/2001IRLENG20 - 1421-----80
5 Games played100000396
99/00  MunsterHeineken Cup 20------
19/11/1999MunsterPontypridd32 - 102-------
27/11/1999SaracensMunster34 - 352-------
10/12/1999ColomiersMunster15 - 3121------
17/12/1999MunsterColomiers23 - 522------
07/01/2000MunsterSaracens31 - 3021------
14/01/2000PontypriddMunster38 - 362-------
14/04/2000MunsterStade Français27 - 102-------
05/05/2000Stade ToulousainMunster25 - 312-------
26/05/2000MunsterNorthampton8 - 92-------
9 Games played4000000
  IrelandInternational Tests 10-----640
Migration de données en cours
  Ireland6 nations tournament 10-----400
04/02/2000ENGIRL50 - 182------80
18/02/2000IRLECO44 - 2221-----80
03/03/2000IRLIT60 - 1321-----80
18/03/2000FRIRL25 - 272------80
31/03/2000IRLPDG19 - 232------80
5 Games played200000400
  IrelandWorld Cup 20-----0
01/10/1999IRLUSA53 - 824-----77
09/10/1999IRLAUS3 - 232------80
14/10/1999IRLROM44 - 1421------1
19/10/1999ARGIRL28 - 242------80
4 Games played400000238
98/99  IrelandInternational Tests 10-----478
Migration de données en cours
  Ireland5 nations tournament 5-----320
05/02/1999IRLFR9 - 102------80
19/02/1999PDGIRL23 - 2921-----80
05/03/1999IRLENG15 - 272------80
19/03/1999ECOIRL30 - 132------80
4 Games played100000320
97/98  IrelandInternational Tests 20-----634
Migration de données en cours
  HarlequinsHeineken Cup 10------
06/09/1997HarlequinsMunster48 - 402------80
12/09/1997HarlequinsBourgoin45 - 721-----80
20/09/1997CardiffHarlequins21 - 2821-----80
26/09/1997BourgoinHarlequins18 - 302------80
03/10/1997HarlequinsCardiff31 - 3216-------
11/10/1997MunsterHarlequins23 - 162------80
07/11/1997Stade ToulousainHarlequins51 - 102------80
7 Games played200000480
  Ireland5 nations tournament -------280
06/02/1998IRLECO16 - 172------80
06/03/1998FRIRL18 - 162------59
20/03/1998IRLPDG21 - 302------61
03/04/1998ENGIRL35 - 172------80
4 Games played000000280
96/97  British And Irish LionsInternational Tests -------320
Migration de données en cours
  IrelandInternational Tests -------160
Migration de données en cours
  HarlequinsHeineken Cup --------
15/10/1996UlsterHarlequins15 - 212------80
18/10/1996HarlequinsNeath44 - 222------80
26/10/1996BriveHarlequins23 - 102------80
01/11/1996HarlequinsCaledonians56 - 352------80
15/11/1996LeicesterHarlequins23 - 132------80
5 Games played000000400
  Ireland5 nations tournament -------38
17/01/1997IRLFR15 - 322------38
1 Games played00000038
95/96  IrelandWorld Cup -------0
30/05/1995IRLJAP50 - 282------10
1 Games played00000010
94/95  IrelandInternational Tests -------80
Migration de données en cours
  Ireland5 nations tournament -------160
20/01/1995IRLENG8 - 202------80
03/02/1995ECOIRL26 - 132------80
2 Games played000000160
93/94  IrelandInternational Tests -------160
Migration de données en cours
Competitions Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
International Tests 4043418-----3269
World Cup251095------
Heineken Cup3525247------
5 nations tournament2522225-----1674
Teams Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
British And Irish Lions-44------320
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Important info  You can contact us to correct data or complete it via our Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter or our contact address at the top of the page

Prize list


European Cup - Heineken Cup

2000MunsterRunners up

My calendars

CompetitionsDateTeam 1Team 2ScorePlayed
International Tests 15/08/2003IrelandWales35 - 122 (80 minutes)
International Tests 29/08/2003IrelandItaly61 - 6-
International Tests 05/09/2003ScotlandIreland10 - 292 (80 minutes)
World Cup10/10/2003IrelandRomania45 - 172 (72 minutes)
World Cup18/10/2003IrelandNamibia64 - 72 (54 minutes)
World Cup25/10/2003ArgentinaIreland15 - 162 (80 minutes)
World Cup31/10/2003AustraliaIreland17 - 162 (80 minutes)
World Cup08/11/2003FranceIreland43 - 212 (80 minutes)
International Tests 11/06/2004South AfricaIreland31 - 17-
International Tests 18/06/2004South AfricaIreland26 - 17-

My standings

World Cup - Groupe 1
1Australia 4164002733200
2Ireland 4133011415601
3Argentina 492021405701
4Romania 441036519200
5Namibia 400042831000

International Tests
1France 0000000
2Romania 0000000
3England 0000000
4Canada 0000000
5USA 0000000
6Pacific Islands 0000000
7South Africa 0000000
8Wales 0000000
9Ireland 0000000
10New-Zealand 0000000
11Scotland 0000000
12Australia 0000000
13Argentina 0000000
14Italy 0000000
15Fidji 0000000
16Tonga 0000000
17Chile 0000000
18Georgia 0000000
19Samoa 0000000

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