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French  Español

Mathieu PLANTIER,  Centre

Mathieu PLANTIER is a french rugby player at the centre position.He was born on 15/07/1982. He measures 1 m 83 for 85 kg.

Team career  My calendars My standings

Practical information  For the full stats of a player, click the corresponding number !
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
08/09  Romans  Federale 1 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
07/08  Romans  Federale 1 - Jean Prat Trophy Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
  Romans  Federale 1 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
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My calendars

CompetitionsDateTeam 1Team 2ScorePlayed
Federale 121/09/2008RomansLa Seyne7 - 12-
Federale 128/09/2008AubenasRomans9 - 9-
Federale 105/10/2008RomansBédarrides26 - 19-
Federale 119/10/2008ChateaurenardRomans16 - 620 (48 minutes)
Federale 126/10/2008RomansMontmélian15 - 913 (80 minutes)
Federale 109/11/2008RomansVilleurbanne9 - 6-
Federale 115/11/2008BeaurepaireRomans13 - 2714 (74 minutes)
Federale 122/11/2008La SeyneRomans38 - 2911 (80 minutes)
Federale 107/12/2008RomansAubenas19 - 10-
Federale 120/12/2008BédarridesRomans19 - 10-
Federale 125/01/2009VilleurbanneRomans9 - 3014 (80 minutes)
Federale 131/01/2009RomansChateaurenard18 - 1416 (26 minutes)
Federale 108/02/2009MontmélianRomans32 - 1411 (80 minutes)
Federale 122/02/2009RomansBeaurepaire9 - 12-

My standings

Federale 1 - Groupe 3
1La Seyne 1449110337023850
2Bédarrides 144390527522734
3Chateaurenard 144190527019523
4Aubenas 143771625019134
5Romans 143471622821822
6Montmélian 142550921127914
7Villeurbanne 1420401017126104
8Beaurepaire 1416301117434004

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