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Peniasi MALIMALI,  Wing

Peniasi MALIMALI is a fidjian rugby player. He plays at Counties Manukau at the wing position.He is 29 years old and was born on 08/12/1996. He measures 1 m 82 for 98 kg.

Team career  Prize list My calendars My standings

Practical information  For the full stats of a player, click the corresponding number !
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
2024  Counties Manukau  NPC 15----404
09/08/2024TaranakiCounties Manukau31 - 1511------80
14/08/2024Bay of PlentyCounties Manukau44 - 3111----1-58
08/09/2024Counties ManukauNorthland25 - 1411------80
15/09/2024Counties ManukauOtago45 - 17113-----80
21/09/2024CanterburyCounties Manukau36 - 2811------56
27/09/2024Counties ManukauWellington51 - 1222------18
05/10/2024ManawatuCounties Manukau26 - 4523------8
11/10/2024WellingtonCounties Manukau29 - 1421------24
8 Games played300010404
  Waikato Chiefs  Super Rugby 5-----139
06/04/2024Waikato ChiefsMoana Pasifika68 - 12111-----59
01/06/2024Auckland BluesWaikato Chiefs31 - 1711------80
2 Games played100000139
2023  Counties Manukau  NPC 5-----575
Migration de données en cours
  Waikato Chiefs  Super Rugby -------44
18/03/2023Waikato ChiefsMelbourne Rebels44 - 2522------23
15/04/2023Wellington HurricanesWaikato Chiefs17 - 3323------3
05/05/2023Otago HighlandersWaikato Chiefs28 - 5211------18
3 Games played00000044
2022  Counties Manukau  NPC 25-----552
Migration de données en cours
2021  Counties Manukau  NPC --------26
Migration de données en cours
Competitions Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Super Rugby5531-----183
Teams Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Counties Manukau4525209---1-1557
Waikato Chiefs5531-----183
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Important info  You can contact us to correct data or complete it via our Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter or our contact address at the top of the page

Prize list


Southern Hempispher Championship - Super Rugby

2023ChiefsRunners up

My calendars

CompetitionsDateTeam 1Team 2ScorePlayed
NPC09/08/2024TaranakiCounties Manukau31 - 1511 (80 minutes)
NPC14/08/2024Bay of PlentyCounties Manukau44 - 3111 (58 minutes)
NPC18/08/2024Counties ManukauWaikato20 - 26-
NPC24/08/2024Counties ManukauTasman3 - 48-
NPC31/08/2024North HarbourCounties Manukau33 - 36-
NPC08/09/2024Counties ManukauNorthland25 - 1411 (80 minutes)
NPC15/09/2024Counties ManukauOtago45 - 1711 (80 minutes)
NPC21/09/2024CanterburyCounties Manukau36 - 2811 (56 minutes)
NPC27/09/2024Counties ManukauWellington51 - 1222 (18 minutes)
NPC05/10/2024ManawatuCounties Manukau26 - 4523 (8 minutes)
NPC11/10/2024WellingtonCounties Manukau29 - 1421 (24 minutes)

My standings

1Taranaki 104080232523971
2Wellington 104080231126480
3Tasman 103880232921660
4Bay of Plenty 103870335023882
5Hawkes Bay 103360430434581
6Canterbury 103060427629451
7Waikato 102850530024662
8Counties Manukau 102850529928771
9Otago 102650525627542
10North Harbour 102430736734184
11Auckland 101930725128334
12Southland 101730724831241
13Northland 101520825032943
14Manawatu 101010922241951

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