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Rob HENDERSON,  Centre

Rob HENDERSON is an international irish rugby player at the centre position.He was born on 27/10/1972. He measures 1 m 87 for 97 kg.

Career  Prize list My calendars My standings

Practical information  For the full stats of a player, click the corresponding number !
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
06/07  ToulonPro D2 30----1754
Migration de données en cours
05/06  MunsterCeltic League -------298
Migration de données en cours
  MunsterHeineken Cup --------54
22/04/2006LeinsterMunster6 - 3016------54
1 Games played00000054
04/05  MunsterHeineken Cup -------490
22/10/2004MunsterHarlequins15 - 912------80
30/10/2004Neath / SwanseaMunster18 - 2012------82
02/12/2004CastresMunster19 - 1212------80
10/12/2004MunsterCastres36 - 812------88
14/01/2005HarlequinsMunster10 - 1812------80
02/04/2005BiarritzMunster19 - 1012------80
6 Games played000000490
03/04  IrelandInternational Tests -------80
Migration de données en cours
  MunsterHeineken Cup 5----533
05/12/2003BourgoinMunster17 - 1816------14
12/12/2003MunsterTreviso51 - 012------60
09/01/2004GloucesterMunster22 - 1112------80
16/01/2004MunsterGloucester35 - 1412------80
23/01/2004TrevisoMunster20 - 3112------68
30/01/2004MunsterBourgoin26 - 312------71
09/04/2004MunsterStade Français37 - 32121-----80
24/04/2004MunsterWasps32 - 3712----1-80
8 Games played100010533
02/03  MunsterHeineken Cup -------191
12/10/2002GloucesterMunster35 - 1613------34
12/04/2003LeicesterMunster7 - 2013------78
25/04/2003Stade ToulousainMunster13 - 1213------79
3 Games played000000191
  Ireland6 nations tournament --------1
21/02/2003ITIRL13 - 3716------1
1 Games played0000001
01/02  MunsterHeineken Cup -------252
02/11/2001MunsterBridgent40 - 617------11
11/01/2002CastresMunster21 - 1318------15
25/01/2002Stade FrançaisMunster14 - 1613------80
26/04/2002CastresMunster17 - 2513------79
24/05/2002LeicesterMunster15 - 913------67
5 Games played000000252
  Ireland6 nations tournament -------120
02/02/2002IRLPDG54 - 1018------8
15/02/2002ENGIRL45 - 1116------32
05/04/2002FRIRL44 - 513------80
3 Games played000000120
00/01  British And Irish LionsInternational Tests ---------0
Migration de données en cours
  IrelandInternational Tests 5-----341
Migration de données en cours
  WaspsHeineken Cup 10-----400
06/10/2000SwanseaWasps54 - 2812------80
14/10/2000L' AquilaWasps10 - 39122-----80
20/10/2000Stade FrançaisWasps40 - 1012------80
28/10/2000WaspsStade Français28 - 3110------80
13/01/2001WaspsSwansea28 - 1612------80
5 Games played200000400
  Ireland6 nations tournament 15-----155
02/02/2001ITIRL22 - 41133-----80
16/02/2001IRLFR22 - 1513------75
2 Games played300000155
99/00  WaspsHeineken Cup 5------
08/01/2000WaspsUlster49 - 17161------
14/01/2000LlanelliWasps25 - 1513-------
2 Games played1000000
  IrelandInternational Tests 10-----320
Migration de données en cours
  Ireland6 nations tournament -------222
18/02/2000IRLECO44 - 2216------42
03/03/2000IRLIT60 - 1317------20
18/03/2000FRIRL25 - 2713------80
31/03/2000IRLPDG19 - 2313------80
4 Games played000000222
98/99  IrelandInternational Tests -------160
Migration de données en cours
  Ireland5 nations tournament -------97
05/02/1999IRLFR9 - 1018------1
05/03/1999IRLENG15 - 2712------80
19/03/1999ECOIRL30 - 1319------16
3 Games played00000097
97/98  IrelandInternational Tests -------428
Migration de données en cours
  WaspsHeineken Cup 15------
06/09/1997SwanseaWasps25 - 31122-----80
13/09/1997GlasgowWasps22 - 4612------80
20/09/1997WaspsUlster56 - 312------80
27/09/1997WaspsGlasgow43 - 512------80
02/10/1997UlsterWasps21 - 38121-----80
11/10/1997WaspsSwansea29 - 2812------80
08/11/1997WaspsBrive18 - 2512------80
7 Games played300000560
  Ireland5 nations tournament -------160
06/03/1998FRIRL18 - 1612------80
20/03/1998IRLPDG21 - 3013------80
2 Games played000000160
96/97  IrelandInternational Tests -------160
Migration de données en cours
Competitions Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Pro D23024236---2-1754
Celtic League-63------298
Heineken Cup3537327---1--
International Tests 1522173-----1489
5 nations tournament151583-----755
Teams Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
British And Irish Lions----------
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Important info  You can contact us to correct data or complete it via our Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter or our contact address at the top of the page

Prize list


European Cup - Heineken Cup

2002MunsterRunners up

My calendars

CompetitionsDateTeam 1Team 2ScorePlayed
Pro D202/09/2006ToulonMont de Marsan49 - 1213 (80 minutes)
Pro D208/09/2006OyonnaxToulon28 - 23-
Pro D216/09/2006ToulonColomiers32 - 1212 (49 minutes)
Pro D222/09/2006Union Bordeaux BèglesToulon12 - 0-
Pro D229/09/2006ToulonGaillac30 - 2312 (72 minutes)
Pro D214/10/2006BeziersToulon35 - 16-
Pro D220/10/2006AuchToulon22 - 1412 (80 minutes)
Pro D228/10/2006ToulonLOU22 - 16-
Pro D203/11/2006ToulonDax20 - 16-
Pro D219/11/2006Metro-RacingToulon18 - 2512 (80 minutes)
Pro D225/11/2006ToulonTarbes16 - 2812 (80 minutes)
Pro D201/12/2006LimogesToulon27 - 3212 (80 minutes)
Pro D208/12/2006ToulonLa Rochelle26 - 1612 (80 minutes)
Pro D215/12/2006PauToulon17 - 1812 (80 minutes)
Pro D207/01/2007ToulonGrenoble32 - 1012 (69 minutes)
Pro D212/01/2007Mont de MarsanToulon26 - 1312 (80 minutes)
Pro D220/01/2007ToulonOyonnax32 - 312 (41 minutes)
Pro D228/01/2007ColomiersToulon25 - 2312 (80 minutes)
Pro D210/02/2007ToulonUnion Bordeaux Bègles13 - 912 (80 minutes)
Pro D218/02/2007GaillacToulon6 - 712 (80 minutes)
Pro D224/02/2007ToulonBeziers25 - 1112 (75 minutes)
Pro D203/03/2007ToulonAuch17 - 912 (80 minutes)
Pro D210/03/2007LOUToulon11 - 617 (19 minutes)
Pro D224/03/2007DaxToulon29 - 312 (80 minutes)
Pro D231/03/2007ToulonMetro-Racing17 - 2712 (78 minutes)
Pro D207/04/2007TarbesToulon12 - 1912 (80 minutes)
Pro D214/04/2007ToulonLimoges33 - 20-
Pro D221/04/2007La RochelleToulon40 - 2012 (80 minutes)
Pro D204/05/2007ToulonPau40 - 2912 (80 minutes)
Pro D213/05/2007GrenobleToulon21 - 39-
Pro D218/05/2007La RochelleToulon21 - 1712 (71 minutes)

My standings

Pro D2
1Auch 30110251472741653
2Dax 309820010788499117
3La Rochelle 3093202863347763
4Toulon 30881901166257093
5Beziers 30831811169255163
6LOU 30791611359548949
7Oyonnax 30701521349958024
8Pau 30681301761962588
9Mont de Marsan 306212117555662210
10Union Bordeaux Bègles 306012018480583210
11Gaillac 30601211754865728
12Metro-Racing 305811019594656410
13Tarbes 30561201851067508
14Grenoble 305510218506600110
15Limoges 30541101961477637
16Colomiers 3040812149169706

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