: news, results, standings, stats ...

French  Español

Sacha GONINDARD,  Third Row

Sacha GONINDARD is a french rugby player at the third row position.

Team career  My calendars My standings

Practical information  For the full stats of a player, click the corresponding number !
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
22/23  Castanet  Federale 1 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
09/10/2022MazametCastanet36 - 2022------16
13/11/2022TulleCastanet23 - 2322------12
27/11/2022L Isle JourdainCastanet30 - 820------16
04/12/2022PamiersCastanet32 - 76------58
25/03/2023CastanetL Isle Jourdain15 - 348------67
12/03/2023CastanetTulle17 - 87------80
05/03/2023Valence d'AgenCastanet16 - 56------80
29/01/2023CastanetMazamet13 - 316------60
15/01/2023CastanetLombez Samatan3 - 1521------14
18/12/2022CastelsarrasinCastanet25 - 1021------22
01/04/2023CastanetPamiers17 - 137------80
11 Games played000000505
21/22  Castanet  Federale 1 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
05/09/2021CastanetLavaur25 - 2020------20
12/09/2021MazametCastanet26 - 13221-----30
17/10/2021CastelsarrasinCastanet46 - 1422------25
24/10/2021CastanetGraulhet15 - 4519------14
07/11/2021CéretCastanet28 - 1320------15
14/11/2021CastanetPamiers6 - 3520------23
21/11/2021CastanetSt-Sulpice-sur-Lèze8 - 187----1-80
05/12/2021FCTTCastanet29 - 227------63
12/12/2021LavaurCastanet33 - 2617------10
13/02/2022CastanetMazamet17 - 417------80
20/03/2022NimesCastanet54 - 37------80
23/01/2022CastanetValence d'Agen18 - 4518------20
30/01/2022MarmandeCastanet38 - 07------80
20/02/2022CastanetCastelsarrasin18 - 597------80
27/02/2022GraulhetCastanet51 - 76------60
13/03/2022CastanetCéret8 - 316------80
10/04/2022CastanetFCTT19 - 287------53
17 Games played100010813
Important info  You can contact us to correct data or complete it via our Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter or our contact address at the top of the page

My calendars

CompetitionsDateTeam 1Team 2ScorePlayed
Federale 111/09/2022CastanetCastelsarrasin14 - 41-
Federale 118/09/2022Lombez SamatanCastanet22 - 21-
Federale 125/09/2022LavaurCastanet18 - 9-
Federale 109/10/2022MazametCastanet36 - 2022 (16 minutes)
Federale 115/10/2022CastanetFCTT11 - 16-
Federale 123/10/2022CastelnaudaryCastanet24 - 10-
Federale 106/11/2022CastanetValence d'Agen14 - 12-
Federale 113/11/2022TulleCastanet23 - 2322 (12 minutes)
Federale 127/11/2022L Isle JourdainCastanet30 - 820 (16 minutes)
Federale 104/12/2022PamiersCastanet32 - 76 (58 minutes)
Federale 111/12/2022CastanetSt-Sulpice-sur-Lèze19 - 18-
Federale 118/12/2022CastelsarrasinCastanet25 - 1021 (22 minutes)
Federale 115/01/2023CastanetLombez Samatan3 - 1521 (14 minutes)
Federale 129/01/2023CastanetMazamet13 - 316 (60 minutes)
Federale 105/02/2023CastanetLavaur17 - 12-
Federale 112/02/2023FCTTCastanet16 - 11-
Federale 119/02/2023CastanetCastelnaudary37 - 20-
Federale 105/03/2023Valence d'AgenCastanet16 - 56 (80 minutes)
Federale 112/03/2023CastanetTulle17 - 87 (80 minutes)
Federale 125/03/2023CastanetL Isle Jourdain15 - 348 (67 minutes)
Federale 101/04/2023CastanetPamiers17 - 137 (80 minutes)
Federale 116/04/2023St-Sulpice-sur-LèzeCastanet20 - 13-

My standings

Federale 1 - Groupe 3
1Castelsarrasin 2282160650333454
2Valence d'Agen 2281160652635244
3Mazamet 2276140846234665
4L Isle Jourdain 2268122844735234
5St-Sulpice-sur-Lèze 2268131841738235
6Pamiers 2266130940232834
7Lombez Samatan 22571001236240808
8FCTT 22569013397413010
9Castelnaudary 2245811334645423
10Lavaur 2245621436750908
11Tulle 2240511635754018
12Castanet 2239611531448214

   Qualification 1/8 ,    Qualification 1/16 à domicile ,    Qualification 1/16 à l'extérieur ,    Relégation Federale 2 , 

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