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Simone ROMAGNOLI,  Third Row

Simone ROMAGNOLI is a italian rugby player at the third row position.He was born on 09/04/1994. He measures 1 m 90 for 101 kg.

Team career  My calendars My standings

Practical information  For the full stats of a player, click the corresponding number !
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
17/18  Lazio Rugby  Super 10 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
16/17  Lazio Rugby  Super 10 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
15/16  Lazio Rugby  Super 10 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
13/14  Lazio Rugby  Super 10 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
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My calendars

CompetitionsDateTeam 1Team 2ScorePlayed
Super 1023/09/2017Petrarca RugbyLazio Rugby22 - 08 (80 minutes)
Super 1030/09/2017ViadanaLazio Rugby45 - 3720 (32 minutes)
Super 1007/10/2017I MediceiLazio Rugby31 - 214 (29 minutes)
Super 1028/10/2017Lazio RugbyRugby San Dona20 - 274 (80 minutes)
Super 1004/11/2017Rugby RovigoLazio Rugby49 - 124 (80 minutes)
Super 1012/11/2017Rugby ReggioLazio Rugby33 - 164 (52 minutes)
Super 1019/11/2017Lazio RugbyMogliano Rugby24 - 2019 (72 minutes)
Super 1003/12/2017CalvisanoLazio Rugby54 - 1019 (32 minutes)
Super 1023/12/2017Lazio RugbyFiamme Oro Roma8 - 2418 (9 minutes)
Super 1006/01/2018Lazio RugbyPetrarca Rugby6 - 365 (80 minutes)
Super 1027/01/2018Lazio RugbyViadana6 - 32-
Super 1003/02/2018Lazio RugbyI Medicei15 - 13-
Super 1017/02/2018Rugby San DonaLazio Rugby51 - 019 (33 minutes)
Super 1010/03/2018Lazio RugbyRugby Rovigo12 - 56-
Super 1018/03/2018Lazio RugbyRugby Reggio33 - 31-
Super 1024/03/2018Mogliano RugbyLazio Rugby24 - 15-
Super 1007/04/2018Lazio RugbyCalvisano36 - 24-
Super 1014/04/2018Fiamme Oro RomaLazio Rugby48 - 17-

My standings

Super 10
1Petrarca Rugby 1874160248523782
2Calvisano 20731505615343113
3Rugby Rovigo 1968141451332873
4Fiamme Oro Roma 1953111742240761
5Rugby San Dona 1949100948239263
6Viadana 2148911145548255
7Rugby Reggio 2036701346063463
8I Medicei 1930501438545946
9Lazio Rugby 2024501532864632
10Mogliano Rugby 2018301733257626

   Qualification 1/2 ,    Relégation , 

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