
French  Español

Sylvain GOUAILHARDOU,  Third Row

Sylvain GOUAILHARDOU is a french rugby player at the third row position.He was born on 27/02/1991. He measures 1 m 86 for 100 kg.

Career  My calendars My standings

Practical information  For the full stats of a player, click the corresponding number !
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
23/24  LavaurFederale 1 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
17/09/2023CastelnaudaryLavaur15 - 107------80
24/09/2023LavaurCastelsarrasin34 - 177------80
08/10/2023St-Sulpice-sur-LèzeLavaur33 - 97------80
15/10/2023LavaurBagneres16 - 177------32
10/03/2024LayracLavaur12 - 157------80
24/03/2024LavaurFCTT24 - 306------80
31/03/2024MazametLavaur15 - 187------80
14/04/2024LavaurGaillac16 - 197------80
8 Games played000000592
22/23  LavaurFederale 1 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
11/09/2022L Isle JourdainLavaur19 - 198------80
18/09/2022LavaurPamiers3 - 97------80
25/09/2022LavaurCastanet18 - 97------80
09/10/2022LavaurCastelsarrasin30 - 337----1-64
16/10/2022Lombez SamatanLavaur25 - 237------80
23/10/2022St-Sulpice-sur-LèzeLavaur26 - 1217------25
06/11/2022LavaurMazamet7 - 97----1-80
13/11/2022FCTTLavaur20 - 197------80
27/11/2022LavaurCastelnaudary18 - 267------80
04/12/2022Valence d'AgenLavaur67 - 1217------40
11/12/2022LavaurTulle19 - 148------80
18/12/2022LavaurL Isle Jourdain18 - 228------80
29/01/2023CastelsarrasinLavaur23 - 137------80
05/02/2023CastanetLavaur17 - 128------80
12/02/2023LavaurLombez Samatan23 - 168------80
19/02/2023LavaurSt-Sulpice-sur-Lèze15 - 168------80
05/03/2023MazametLavaur17 - 208------80
26/03/2023CastelnaudaryLavaur25 - 258------80
02/04/2023LavaurValence d'Agen20 - 198------80
16/04/2023TulleLavaur31 - 717------40
20 Games played0000201449
21/22  LavaurFederale 1 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
05/09/2021CastanetLavaur25 - 2020------24
12/09/2021LavaurSt-Sulpice-sur-Lèze22 - 217------80
19/09/2021FCTTLavaur31 - 276------80
03/10/2021PamiersLavaur28 - 227----1-80
10/10/2021LavaurMazamet25 - 277------80
17/10/2021NimesLavaur56 - 127------80
24/10/2021LavaurValence d'Agen27 - 287------48
07/11/2021MarmandeLavaur31 - 188------72
14/11/2021LavaurCastelsarrasin22 - 248------80
21/11/2021GraulhetLavaur26 - 197------56
05/12/2021LavaurCéret14 - 1921------19
12/12/2021LavaurCastanet33 - 266------24
23/01/2022LavaurPamiers9 - 216------80
30/01/2022MazametLavaur14 - 36------80
20/02/2022LavaurNimes6 - 276------66
27/02/2022Valence d'AgenLavaur31 - 147------55
13/03/2022LavaurMarmande10 - 208------55
27/03/2022CastelsarrasinLavaur41 - 148----1-67
03/04/2022LavaurGraulhet11 - 198------80
10/04/2022CéretLavaur43 - 519------23
20 Games played0000201229
20/21  DrancyFederale 1 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
12/09/2020DrancyMâcon0 - 326------66
27/09/2020DrancyBédarrides Chateauneuf8 - 276------46
10/10/2020DrancyStade Metropolitain16 - 266------59
18/10/2020NimesDrancy22 - 146----1-50
24/10/2020DrancyVienne3 - 2220------39
5 Games played000010260
19/20  DrancyFederale 1 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
Important info  You can contact us to correct data or complete it via our Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter or our contact address at the top of the page

My calendars

CompetitionsDateTeam 1Team 2ScorePlayed
Federale 110/09/2023LavaurLombez Samatan20 - 6-
Federale 117/09/2023CastelnaudaryLavaur15 - 107 (80 minutes)
Federale 124/09/2023LavaurCastelsarrasin34 - 177 (80 minutes)
Federale 108/10/2023St-Sulpice-sur-LèzeLavaur33 - 97 (80 minutes)
Federale 115/10/2023LavaurBagneres16 - 177 (32 minutes)
Federale 122/10/2023LavaurL Isle Jourdain27 - 30-
Federale 105/11/2023PamiersLavaur0 - 25-
Federale 112/11/2023LavaurLayrac39 - 18-
Federale 119/11/2023FCTTLavaur33 - 39-
Federale 103/12/2023LavaurMazamet7 - 17-
Federale 110/12/2023GaillacLavaur10 - 17-
Federale 117/12/2023Lombez SamatanLavaur19 - 15-
Federale 114/01/2024LavaurCastelnaudary24 - 19-
Federale 121/01/2024CastelsarrasinLavaur22 - 16-
Federale 128/01/2024LavaurSt-Sulpice-sur-Lèze8 - 13-
Federale 111/02/2024BagneresLavaur34 - 22-
Federale 118/02/2024L Isle JourdainLavaur35 - 7-
Federale 103/03/2024LavaurPamiers25 - 0-
Federale 110/03/2024LayracLavaur12 - 157 (80 minutes)
Federale 124/03/2024LavaurFCTT24 - 306 (80 minutes)
Federale 131/03/2024MazametLavaur15 - 187 (80 minutes)
Federale 114/04/2024LavaurGaillac16 - 197 (80 minutes)

My standings

Federale 1 - Groupe 3
1L Isle Jourdain 2281160651936333
2Mazamet 2280150752133954
3St-Sulpice-sur-Lèze 2280160650436644
4Gaillac 2279150750236844
5Castelsarrasin 22681201048542118
6Bagneres 2266130947740715
7FCTT 22661201046446326
8Lavaur 22601001243341418
9Layrac 2249801438048306
10Castelnaudary 2248701539643218
11Lombez Samatan 2248801440748205
12Pamiers 22-480022055000

   Qualification 1/8 ,    Qualification 1/16 à domicile ,    Qualification 1/16 à l'extérieur ,    Relégation Federale 2 , 

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