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Todd OLLIVIER,  Third Row

Todd OLLIVIER is a australian rugby player at the third row position.He was born on 07/07/1979. He measures 1 m 90 for 106 kg.

Team career  My calendars My standings

Practical information  For the full stats of a player, click the corresponding number !
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
09/10  Rugby Roma Olimpic  Super 10 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
08/09  Roma  Super 10 Requires subscription with an It's rugby pass
Migration de données en cours
04/05  Béziers  Top 16 10----1236
Migration de données en cours
Competitions Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Super 10-94----1-366
Top 161019172---3-1236
Teams Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
Pts Played Start. Try Pen. Dp. Tr. Min.
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My calendars

CompetitionsDateTeam 1Team 2ScorePlayed
Super 1012/09/2009Overmach Rugby Parma Rugby Roma Olimpic30 - 10-
Super 1018/09/2009Rugby Roma OlimpicCavalieri Prato22 - 15-
Super 1026/09/2009Rugby Roma OlimpicRugby Rovigo26 - 27-
Super 1030/09/2009Casa Montepaschi ViadanaRugby Roma Olimpic29 - 10-
Super 1004/10/2009Rugby Roma OlimpicBenetton Rugby Treviso19 - 34-
Super 1024/10/2009Venezia Mestre RugbyRugby Roma Olimpic8 - 57-
Super 1031/10/2009Rugby Roma OlimpicPetrarca Rugby19 - 13-
Super 1028/11/2009L' AquilaRugby Roma Olimpic6 - 16-
Super 1004/12/2009Rugby Roma OlimpicGran Rugby Parma30 - 10-
Super 1005/01/2010Rugby Roma OlimpicOvermach Rugby Parma 12 - 6-
Super 1009/01/2010Cavalieri PratoRugby Roma Olimpic22 - 6-
Super 1026/03/2010Rugby RovigoRugby Roma Olimpic35 - 13-
Super 1002/04/2010Rugby Roma OlimpicCasa Montepaschi Viadana18 - 26-
Super 1009/04/2010Benetton Rugby TrevisoRugby Roma Olimpic61 - 26-
Super 1016/04/2010Rugby Roma OlimpicVenezia Mestre Rugby19 - 19-
Super 1023/04/2010Petrarca RugbyRugby Roma Olimpic32 - 6-
Super 1030/04/2010Rugby Roma OlimpicL' Aquila23 - 13-
Super 1007/05/2010Gran Rugby ParmaRugby Roma Olimpic13 - 7-

My standings

Super 10
1Benetton Rugby Treviso 18671305568274114
2Casa Montepaschi Viadana 1861130543027654
3Rugby Rovigo 1861122440231954
4Petrarca Rugby 184690939135946
5Cavalieri Prato 1844100839434435
6Overmach Rugby Parma 1842801035538037
7Rugby Roma Olimpic 1835711033939932
8L'Aquila 1832701133445222
9Gran Rugby Parma 1825511228046203
10Venezia Mestre Rugby 1822321330253024

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